Secrets and Songs

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Emma's POV

I walk down the stairs sunddenly wondering if I could stay here during the next few days since my parents and brother would be gone, they where going to my brothers hockey tournament. I didn't want to go 'cause I don't really like the idea of the endless fighting during those tournaments.

I reach the end of the stairs and find Ross sitting in the couch, strumming his guitar.

"Hey" I say a little unsure.

He stops strumming and looks up. "Oh, hey" He responds, I can tell he's nervous. Which makes me nervous.

He puts down the guitar and gets up. Grasping my hand in his, he lead me to the couch. 

We sit down next to eachother, Ross still holding my hand.

He takes my other hand and for a moment we just sit there, staring into eachothers eyes. Almost forgetting why we actually were here. Not wanting to remember why we actually were here.

Ross opens his mouth but hesitates before speaking. "I know this is confusing," He says apologetically. "But there's something I've been meaning to tell you and I can't seem to make myself do it."

He sighs heavily and I see the saddness whelling up in his eyes. I move in for a hug and he thankfully accepts.

I release him, putting my hands on his shoulders, "Ross, you can tell me anything. There's no need to be afraid."

I let go of him as he smiles weakly. "Ok, I'll tell you..." He gulps and picks up his guitar. He starts to strum and as he starts to sing I can't help but feel like I've heard the song before.

All my bags are packed I'm ready to go,

I'm standing here outside your door,

I hate to wake you up to say goodbye,


I still could'nt put my finger on what song it was, but as the chorus started I remembered. I had heard it in an episode of Glee.

'Cause I'm leaving on a jet plane,

Don't know when I'll be back again,

Oh babe, I hate to go,


I didn't really understand why he was singing this song for me instead of telling me what he wanted to tell me, but further into the song it occured to me that maybe he was.

Every place I go, I'll think of you,

Every song I sing, I'll sing for you,


I scaned Ross' face for any sign of joking around, put I only found the saddness in his eyes I'd seen earlier.


But I'm leaving on a jet plane,

Don't know when I'll be back again,

Oh babe, I hate to go...........

Ross put down the guitar and took my hands in his once more. A tear trickled down my cheak, fearing the actuall reason for the songs perpose.

He tried to say something but I spoke before he could.

I took a shaky breath. "What was that for?" I asked, even though I knew the answer.

He chose his words carefully, not to mention slowly. "I think the song explained well enough." He said shifting closer to me. I rest my head on his shoulder.

"When?" Was all I could muster.

"Next week....." He lingered off.

I sitt up carefully and face him, suddenly a little enraged. "Next week?!" I put two fingers against my right temple, moving them counter clockwise as I felt a headache coming. I calm down and reconnect with Ross' gaze. I might not be staying here after all.

"Where are you going?"

He frowns. "Well, my dad got this great job offer in New York and..."

"Wait... New York, as in the 'big apple'?!"

He frowns once more. "Yes, keep up. Anyway, before telling us, he looked up essentials for the band. Like record deals and gigs, turns out there's a lot to choose from there."

He waited for me to say something, but I remained silent, so he went on. "So he told us about it and we all thought it was a good idea... I mean I didn't think it was a great idea but..." He quikly added seeing my reaction.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

"I didn't want to hurt you."

That was a lousy excuse but I tried to look on the bright side. "So, you're moving, big deal. It's not like you won't come back, right?"

Ross' POV

All I could do was stare at her. She was starting to annoy me a little.

Didn't she get it? Once I left there was no coming back.

I sigh heavily and burry my face in my hands to show her how wrong she was. There was an awkward silence hanging in the air and I hated it.

"Oh, I see." She says through gritted teeth. I glance at her sidelong to momentarily see a pained expresion on her face, but it's quikly replaced with a smile that doesn't entirely reach her eyes.

"So... you're leaving in seven days"

"Six" I correct. She bit her lower lip. "Six days, which means that we only have six more days together" She emphasized together, which made me realise that we'd come to some unspoken conclusioun, next week we would no longer be Ross and Emma, we would be something less. We would be Ross... and... Emma

I nod reluctantly. "Six more days" I repeat. A grin starts to form on her face, "Well then we'll have to make the best of it." She says getting up and holding out her hand for me to take.

I take her hand and let her lead me upstairs. "You're taking this farely well."

She didn't answer, which made me wonder if she were hiding her emotions.

We reached the top of the stairs and burst the the door then into the livingroom. Everyone was sitting and talking, they paused their conversation and looked at us.

Emma opened her mouth to say something but her phone started to buzz. She looked at it and answered, before the walked out she mouthed a sorry.

Emma's POV

I walked out of the room."Hey Mom." I speak into my phone.

Hello honey, we're leaving now. Are you going to stay with the Lynch's for the next week?

She asks. I walk out the backdoor and close it behind me.

I bite my lip wondering if I should tell her what I was thinking, but finally telling her about my dilemma with Ross. I ask if he can come stay with me during the time that they were gone.

There was a long paus while she was thinking. Knowing mom, she would never let me live alone with a guy. I mean she trusts me but there's no telling what the guy would do. But since it was Ross we were talking about, I didn't really know. Did mom trust him enough?

I waited in suspence, when finally I heard my mom sigh a soft yes.

I punched the air but didn't let my mom know how exited I was. After all six nights alone with Ross, my boyfriend, there's no telling what would happen.

I don't know how long it's been since my last update, but it was probably a long time ago. 

Anyway, tell me, what do you think will happen during those six nights?

I have some ideas, but please tell me what you think should happen.

Lots of love, Emma

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