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Ross' POV

It had been three days since the beach encounter and Emma had been hanging out with her old friends ever since. I mean, the first sleepover was understandable, but c'mon the second and third one was over the top.I hadn't seen my girlfriend in three days, and it's freakin' heartbreaking, it feels like she doesn't even give me a second thought.

Rydel sighs as she flipps through the channels, I guess I'm not the only one missing Emma. Rydel keeps going through the channels until the lands on Disney Channel, Austin and Ally is on.

I laugh when I remember what episode it is, What if's & Where's Austin. I hear my ringtone go off and get up to to track it down.

I trudge through the hall halvheartedly and see my phone buzzing on one of the shelves of the hallway cupboard. It stops just as I pick it up and I see that it was Emma. A wormth spreads through me, I guess I do cross her mind.

I dial her number and wait for her to pick up. But instead of her soft voice, I here a beep tone. I'm a little annoyed, it turns out it's Ethen, the guy Emma had a huge crush on before she met me.

My blood starts to boil as I here Emma talking on the other end, she was asking Ethen who he was talking to, he didn't answer. I hear muffled sounds as they fight over who gets the phone.

Emma finally shouts at Ethan, telling him that it's her phone.

I hear a few more muffled noises before I hear Emma's sweet voice. "Hello, Rydel is that you?"

"I'm comming to pick you up." I say before hanging up.

Emma's POV

He hung up. I'm not exactly sure if it was Riker, Rocky or Ross, but my phone is telling me that Ross just called me so it must have been him. At first I was a little confused, he sounded mad. Then again, when I think about it, I hadn't seen him since I left with my old classmates three days ago, not to mention the rest of the Lynches or Ell.

Rydel's probably already found a new best friend. I shudder at the thought.

I walking threw every room of the hotell suite, saying and hugging goodbye and setting up dates for all of us to meet up again.

I feel the presence of Ethan as I turn the corner and spin around. Sure enough, he walks around the corner and bumpes into me.

"Stop following me around like a lost puppy" I snap. Ethans been very jokingly mean these past days

and it's gotten on my nerves. All my friends say that he likes me but you know what, if he isn't man enough to tell me, well then he should either be nice or stay out of my way. Plus, I have a BOYFRIEND, hellooooooo!

He stands there, staring into space. "Ross'll be here any minute, so is there something you want to say or can we shake hands and move on with our lives?"

At the sound of Ross' name Ethan takes a step back.

After a few seconds he takes a big step forward. "Kiss me."

Now it's my turn to take a step back. "What? No!"


"No! ...... Why?"

"It'll help me decide."

"Decide what?"

"My feelings for you..." He trails of, then gets back on track. "Remember that night at Amelies house? When you fell asleep in my arms." I nod as I remember that night. Back then I thought that night was the best night in my whole life. Then I met Ross, and every minute I spent with him was the best.

"Spit it out already" I say annoyed. "I love you!" He exclaims.

At first I freak out a little, and try to convince him that he doesn't love me. "But, Ethan, love is a very strong word, like is a more suitable word. Don't you think?" I ask hopefully. Sadness streaks across his face, followed by confusion then shock.

"Oh.... Emma, geez I'm sorry. Yeah, no your probably right." Confusion re-apears on his face, but only for a split second. We hug and say goodbye, as someone comes up to us.

"Hey, Emma! Are you leaving? Amelie says, I look over my shoulder to see Ethan scampering away.

I turn back and tilt my head to one side. "Yeah, Ross is comming to pick me up, like now." I say, as Rebecka walks over to us. "Hey Emma, Josie says that your leaving, already?" She says making her puppy dog pout face.

I smile apologetically. "Yeah." I feel my phone buzz and take it out to see that it's Ross. "He's here." I say out loud.

The three of us quikly make plans to see eachother again and then hug. "See ya" Thay say as I turn to leave. But I suddenly remember something and whip back around. "Oh and Rebecka, don't let you know who back into your life, even though he begs you too, promise me?" I say nodding toward Ludvig.

Basically what had happened between Rebecka and Ludvig was that there had been this whole drama about who was dating who. From what I heard Ludvig had been secretly dating two girls at the same time, one of them being Rebecka. Eventually the secrets where let loose and both girls had slapped him walked away and become friends.

Ludvig had tried to get forgiveness ever since, but with no such luck. I kinda feel some sympath for him but then again, he pretty mush broke Rebeckas heart and that kills both me and Amelie. Speaking of Amelie, her relationship with Jake was still growing strong.

Rebeckas smile fades into a frown. "I promise" Satisfied, I run out of the hotelroom and into the stairwell, down two flights of stairs and then out of the lobby and into Ross' outstretched arms.


Ok so now I have someting really IMPORTANT, so please read on.

I'm seriously doubting wether I should end Say You'll Stay in like two more chapters...

or if I should blow it up and make it like six-eight more chapters.

PLEASE, make your voices heard and tell me what you want. 

I personaly feel like this already has gone too far but, what's done is done.

Lot's of Love, Emma

PS: I saw that I recently got over 1k reads, do you hear me 1K! OMG

Just let me fangirl over this moment. Thank you sooooooo much.

PPS: I do understand that the whole Ethan/Emma situation was short but honestly, I didn't want to deal with him any more.

Jeeeeeez, why can't Emma and Ross be happy, is that to much to ask?

Hihi love you lots.

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