I meet my idols

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Emma's POV

I carried my backpack to the the room that would be mine for the next four to five years. I opened the door to see that my bed, desk and other furniture had already been placed the way I had designed it. One of the walls was painted a bright greenish-blue color. The other three had been left untouched for me to hang things on.

I started to put up my posters, mostly of R5 but I also had two big posters who featured the Big Bang theory and Harry Potter. Ofcoures I also put up my huge shirtless Taylor Lautner poster. I giggled to myself, seeing this poster reminded me of how much I 'had' to have it the day I saw it.

"Emma, could you come up for a minute?" My mom called.

"Sure." I yelled back. I ran down the hallway and up the stairs to the ground floor.

"Could you go around in the neighborhood and give everyone an invite to come over on Friday so that we could get to know them?" Mom asked. "Philip doesn't wan't to, he's still upset about us not letting him have a TV in his room like you do."

"Ok. But you know... I might want som typ of reward like... chocolate."

That's were my dad stepped in. "Emma forget it. You are not gonna get chocolate one a wednesday now go out there and be back in twenty minutes." He said shoving me out the door. "Aw man!" I said turning around. He smiled then closed the door chuckling softly.

Mark's POV

The doorbell rang. I wondered who it could be. I walked to the door with Stormie behind me. I opened it and there on you doorstep stood a girl with long brown hair and blue eyes. When I looked closer I saw that her eyes looked like mini galexys. "Hi I'm Emma." She said. "Me and my family just moved in a few houses down and we where wondering if you and your family would like to come over on friday."

"Oh, well. I'm Stormie and this is my houseband Mark. Nice to meet you." Stormie smiled. I did too and said. "Ofcoures! We would love to come. Guys come and meet our new neighbor."

"But dad we're about to win!!!!!!!!" I gave Emma a look thet said 'Sorry'. She understoood and said, "No worries, my brother recently got 'League of Legends' and he hasn't been quite the same." She said with a thoughtfull expression on her face. Then her face turned a little suspicios, as if she just realized something. Her hand went to rest on her neckles wich I now saw was an r5 pick neckles. She was a fan. She let go of her neckles as if shacking the suspicios thought and smiled. "Well, here." She handed me an envelope, I took it from her. "Thanks for stoping by. We will definatly come." 

"No problem. Se ya on friday!" She said over her sholder as she walked away.

"Isn't she a nice young lady." Stormie said smiling, closing the door. "Who's a nice young lady?" Ross said walking into the hallway.

**Three days later (Friday)**

Emma's POV

It was packed at our house. Our pool was filled with pre-teens including my brother. I was sitting on a beach chair, I guess taning. I was sitting in my bathing suit doing nothing so yeah, taning. I was wearing my pink polkadoted bikini and my r5 neckles, my hair was up in a messy bun. Just then my mom called. "Emma! Would you open the door I think I heard someone knock." "Ok mom." I said. I got out of my comfortable seat and went into the house. I opened the glas door wide and walked through the hallway. I opened the front door and smiled. "Hi Mark, Hi Stormie." 

"Well hello dear. Sorry for being late, we had to pick up Rydel from her work." Stormie said. Then it dawned on me. "Wait, don't say, this must be a joke. Please tell me this is a joke." I said with a trumbling voice. Stormie laught and Mark grinned. "I knew you were a fan. I mean a part of the 'family'." I started to cry, NO don't cry! I have mascera on, oh wait it was waterproof. Oh well. I teared up but it didn't get farthure than that. "Mom, come here. I might need some fysical suport."

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