chapter 3

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Hey so last chappy was short so i hope to make this one longer ! 

Jessy xxx


Phoebe pov.


"Hey Bee ready for the camping trip tonight?" Jude asked with a heart warming smile, interlacing our fingers. 

"But I hate camping" I whined "Why can't we just go stay in a hotel to bond with the other pack?" 

I hated camping , the bugs annoyed me I hate worms, and anything creepy.

"Bee come on it will be fine" He reassured, while rested my head on his chest.

Why couldn't I stay here? I am not a kid! My jaw clenched with anger at the thought of not having any privacy for a whole 3 days - because I was going to be sharing a tent wit Jude and i burn't mine to try and get out of the trip. Classic.

"Deep breaths Phoebe" Jude said squeezing my hand, Seth was sat with Luka and Leo all watching me and Jude- not that there was anything to see. 

I took two deep breaths "Better now?" Jude asked smirking, and wrapping his arm around my shoulder. My hand was feeling funny from the pins and needles because he was holding it so tight.

"Shut up Jude" I said playfully hitting his chest, Seth Leo and Luka were chuckling but Jude just began to tickle me.

"What was that?" He laughed still tickling me , i just squirmed around giggling saying "Jude stop" Laugh "Jude" Laugh "Sorry" 

"Oh that's okay Hun" He smiled kissing my forehead. A loud growl eurpted from Seths chest, Jude just ignored him and whispeard in my ear "Somebody a gmpy chappy"  which made me gigle. 

Next thing i knew Seth was stood up next to us "GET OF HER NOW" He roared. 

"I beg your pardon?" Jude asked standing up he was slightly taller than Seth. To make everthing worse Leon, Carter, Nic and Tessa came running in at Judes side.

"SHE'S MINE!" Seth barked. Ha funny i was his my arse. he rejected me that doesn't mean he gets me back anytime soon- actually EVER! 

"Oh thats funny cos she didn't come running to you when she was rejected by guess who- oh yeah YOU" Jude argued back enthasing 'you' . "Your not the one she goes to with any problems are you?" 

This must have hit a nerve because Jude was hit in the face - Hard! As omega it was my job to sort things like this out so I stood up and twisted Seths arms around to his back and dropped kicked him he was flat on his chest in seconds with he sat on his back.

"PHOEBE GET OF ME NOW!"he demanded i just laughted at him.

"yeah yeah big bad alpha doesn't want to get taken down by a girl - well too bad!" i smirked

"PHOEBE MAY CASSANDRA BROOKS" Jude scowled in Alpha tone, I sighed and stood upand let hime go. "thank you Phoebe now Nic take her to blow of some steem" He orderd.

Me and Nic left silengty when we reachedthe back door Nic wouldn't let me go out.

"What are you doing Nic?" i asked in a bored tone, he just put his hands on my shoulders and took a deep breath "Nic now please" i demanded.

"Bee don't be mad - Jude is going to fight Seth, he has wanted to ever since he oicked you up two years ago, thats why he asked me to make you leave but- " I was frozen Jude fight Seth was he lying?

"But I think it's wrong so thats why am telling you- you have to stop him okay " i hugged him and kissed his cheek "Thanks Nic" i smiled then ran back in t the room.

They were already fighting Seth had a bloody noise and Jude had a slight pink cheek but he was fine otherwise.

"STOP NOW!!!" I commanded, the both ignored me and i was about to run in when Tessa grabed my arm

"Please Phoebe don't" she pleaded, i shaked he off pulling Seth away from Jude and throwing him into the wall. His eyes were pitch black and i thought he may shift.

"Phoebe leave it i am fine" Jude begged. No i wasn't his i wasn't a thing or somthing that he can throw away then come back to when he decides i am pretty and skinny and strong!

"Please leave - everyone" Seth spoke up i was still holding him up against the wall everyone left including Jude to my suprise he hugged me.

"I am sorry Pheobe" He kissed me hair. Where was this coming from, i was still for a few seconds then i pushed him of.


"I made a mastake - i lov-" I cut him of.

"No don't you dare say you love me!" i shouted " i don't want to be hurt again Seth" I cried , he pulled me into a hug.

" I wont hurt you again i promise" He smiled hugging me in tighter.

"I can't trust you again - i'm sorry " I sighed pulling away once again.

With that i walked out leaving him there alone.


there you go guys hope you like it comment do you think they will be together or do you think she will keep pushing him out xx 

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