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Pheoebe p.o.v

I felt scared.

But i wasn't scared of my family or friends, no, i was afraid of what what would come next.

Days, weeks, have passed since mine and Jamie's stunt in school, i havent seen her or spoke to any pack members other than Jude and Hope. I was helping Hope plan her wedding, oh joy. 

Every time i heard her new idea's Seths words resounded in my head


Do you even love me? 


I'm snapped out of thoughts when my bedroom door opened. Yes my bedroom, he has moved me to my own room. In walked was my mother and farther.

"Sweetheart, the Alpha would like to speak with out" My mum gave me a weak smile.

I forced a smile on my face, but i knew it never reached my eyes. I nodded and waited til they went outside to go to the bathroom, i looked in the large mirror hanging over the sink.

My skin was pale white, no tan or couler. My eyes were dull and lifeless. Chapped lips were sore and red. Nails were bitten and broken. My boney body looked back at me and i didn't even reconise the girl infront of me.

I changed out of my joggy bottoms and large t-shirt into a pair of boot cut jeans and a long sleeved top.

I walked out the door after brushing my teeth and hair.

"Ready?" My dads voice was cautious and he looked like he was ready to catch me any minute. I gave a weak smile and walked towards the stairs. 

When we walked past the hall window i saw Nic training the group outside. I sighed , yet another thing my loving mate had taken from me.

We reached his office and my mother knocked on the door hesitantly. There was a another scent lingering in the air around of the office, a femine scent? Yes. Who's? Holly Greens'. (pack slut if anyone forgot ) 

The door opened and Holly walked out, giving me a smug look. Which her lipstick smudged and hair messy. 

Please no.

My wolf whimperd.

"Alpha?" My dad asked without looking in the office.

"Yes, she can come in now" I heard my mates voice. 

I walked into the office slowly, standing near the door. "Pheobe, shut the door" 

I nodded and pushed the door shut making sure it didn't slam. I turned round and he was stood half meter behind me. I shrieked from suprise looking at the floor.

"Your so skinny" He wisperd touching my boney cheek. I flinched from the tingels that shot throught my body. "Pheobe?" he said quitely stroking my cheek then lifting my chin. 

I couldn't look him in the eye, no longer a luna i couldnt hold a Alpha's stare.

"Say something" He whisperd "Please, Pheobe" 

"I-I'm sorry" i croaked out, my throat hurt from not talking for days.

"Do you want some water?" He asked concern lacing his words. I nodded and he walked over to the sink and came back a full glass of water. I took it with shakey hands, taking a sip i went to place it on the table by the sofa when my hand slipped and the water fell on the floor. Glass shatterd on the floor.

Seth growled lowly in annoyance, and flinched. "Sorry" i mutterd bending down on my knee's to pick up the glass.

"Pheobe no, leave it. I'll get someone to clean it up" He groaned. I stood up silently.

"Listen i only called you in here because i think you should start joing back in pack activites" He spoke softly.

"Really?" i asked in excitment.

His eyes lit up in humor "Of course"

"Does this...." I pause "I mean-"

"Spit it out" he chuckeld

"AM i forgiven?" I blurted, imeditaty regreting it. "No nevermind, sorry" i said dopping my head.

"If you stay away from Jamie, yes you are forgiven and will be given tour role as Luna back"

I felt the power of Luna surge through my veins once again. 

"Can i ask you something?"


"Its important but i dont want you to get mad" i said cautiously


"Did you kiss Holly?" His eyes instendly windend then narrowed.

"No, she tried to kiss me but i gave her an order to stay away" he cleared up. 

"Okay" i smiled


SORRY!!! Its been too long and been really busy and whoever it is that keeps comenting every speeling mistake 


This book isn't edited and i dont want to be looking at your judgement crap!!!

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