chapter 6 - Ignoring Alpha's

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hey last one wasn't so long but i hope this one will be better i am planning to right like 5000 words so wish me luck might be up till 11 and it's 6 now but who cares? Maybe my mum? No i think she wil be proud... i hope x


All i have to do is convince Jude that we need to stay for longer - or even for good? How the hell will i do that he has never listened to me before because i am only omega no beta but i am still 4th in comand to i think i should be heard. Right?

When did you become such a push over? My wolf hissed, Her tone was beginning to bug me i was trying to think of solutions to this mess.

And push over -please i can still whoop all there asses , I told her ina matter-of-fact tone.

Since you came back and well saw our mate you have been distracted, I am not saying he isn't totally fit and all but your going to become to soft if you don't be careful.

She sadly was completely and utterly correct i was doing whatever he told me and well going back to the way i was - Before.

I need to go back t my 'fuck off and leave me alone or i will kill you' act or i might just become once again ...


No that wasn't me anymore i wasn't going to let that happen -ever again! 

"Hey bee" Nic smiled;ling into the living room were i was sat staring at the wall thinking about - everything. 


"Wanna play football? The other pack is rubbish and-" i cut him of ,

"No" I said sternly, i really wansn't in the mood for a friendly game of football.I could tell he was mind linking  a Alpha - but which one?

"Oh... Umm...You have to come" He mumbled. 

" I don't HAVE to do anything!" I hissed getting annoyed- why was he still here?

"Alpha's orders" He smirked.

"Oh yes the precious Alpha and his pathetic orders so scary" I said my voice dripping with sarcasm.

 "Don't be like this" He murmured looking at his feet.

"Like what?" I hissed and his head snapped up at my Sharpe tone.

"Like the old you, you know when you first came into our pack and you pushed everyone out and told no-one your feelings, gave no-one your trust your happy side, Don't put on this act again." Jude told me.

Where had he come from?!

"It's not an act!" I declared

He walked over to me and asked Nic to leave who scurried out the room.

"Tell me what wrong" He said his voice soft and comforting. 

"Nothing" I lied through gritted teeth.

"I think we need to talk about that mark" He growled, pulling my hair away from my neck " I want him to remove it" He demanded, his voice full of authoritory.

"No!" I argued, He didn't get a choice when MY mate marked me.

"I am not asking Pheobe" He barked pulling me up by arm, i let out a low growl as he pulled me towards the back door.

I was pushed outside were everyone one turned to me and imeditily looked at Judes tight on my arm.

"Tell him" Jude growled, turning me to face Seth.

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