chapter 5 - camping 2

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okay there was a cliff hanger so heres the carry on and sorry ts been so long x


Pheobe pov. 

Aloud growl ripped through the warm air it was ...

Jude . Wait Jude? Why would he care?

He's running towards us.

"Shit" i mumble so Seth could hear , he snapped is head in Jude's derection and stood infront of me. 

"Whats going on?" Jude growles looking me dead in the eye, Seth reaches for my hand and i dont hesitate to grab his hand and intwine our fingers. 

"Jude i think you should calm down" Seth sates squeezing onto my hand, Jude looks down at my hand and furowes his eye brows.

"Alpha..." I trail of not looking at him, no body speaks then Jude annouces somthing that shockes me and forces me to pull away from Seth he says that...

"Were leaving in the morning" Jude sighes "Pheobe go pack your bags" he tell me calmly.

"Jude please - " He cut me of:

"Now Pheobe" He says in Alpha tone, I run towards the tent my eyes filling with tears I let the tears fall down my cheeks i don't even know why i am crying.

Its because you wont see our mate anymore- my wolf informs me with a whimper.

She's right  I will never see my mate again , once i had finished packing i slowly made my way to Judes tent  he mindlinked me saying i wasn't aloud to share a tent with Seth. If it was anyone eles i would have argued but you never argue with a angry Alpha.

We were all sat around the fire eating " I am taking a walk" I informed everyone standing up. 

"Be carful Bee" Nic told me. 

I nodded and began walking towards the woods i heards footsteps behind me and hen someone grabed my hand and from the tingels shooting through my arm i imedietly knew it Seth he spun me around.

" I love you " he smiled - It was a genuine smile, i dont care if everyone was watching this may be the last time i ever see him alone.

" I love you too" i admitted, the moment the words left my mouth he leaned down and kissed me.

"Lets forget our deal" he suggest putting his arm around my waist  as we began wal;king towards the woods again.

"No i never back down from a deal" I told him with with a small duh tone.

Once we reached the middle of the woods he placed my back agaist the tree "Let me mark you then he can't take you away" 

Jude is going to take me away if he doesn't mark me...

You love him let our mate mark you ! - My wold screamed 

But he rejected me...

He said he made a mistake forgive him already - she demanded,

She was right so i nodded, at this point he was fighting his wolf  "This is going to hurt Pheebs" he told me seriously.

" I know" i replied leaning up and kissing his cheek, He kissed my neck until he found the spot that he wanted to mark me.

His teeth digged into my neck and i yelped in pain "Seth it hurts" i cried he didn't stop , 

"I know it will feel fine in a minute i promise" he assured me, he was right once he took his teeth out my neck he kissed the mark a few times, he was right it didn't hurt anymore he kissed my cheek " Lets head back" He told me taking my hand.

We walked back hand in hand with huge smile plasterd on or faces.

Once we reached the fire we sat back down next to each other.

"You marked her" Jude growled , pulling my hair away from my neck.

"Yes thats what mates do" He smirked, in a duh tone.

"Don't treat me like an idiot i am the one who is helping your pack" Jude hissed, pulling me up to stand up next to him.

"Come on Jude calm down" Carter told him putting a hand on his shoulder. 

"HE MARKED HER!" Jude shouted, Nic was the next to speak up:

"We can't protect her forever" He informed Jude.

"I will look after her i promise" Seth said standing up to be at the same hight as everyone eles.

"Yeah just like you prtected her before" Jude scoffed.

"Ok for the record i am the omega so i think i can defend myself and what is your problem if you found your mate i wouldn't be shouting at them" i declared.

"My mate didn't do this to me" Jude barked pulling up my shirt to see the scars. Carter and Leon both looked shocked becuase I didn't show then i just showed Nic and Jude and well Seth.

"She's my mate" Seth roared "No - one eles should see her like this" all you could see was my stomach - overprotective much?  He yanked my top down almost ripping the fabric.

"YOU REJECTED HER!"  Jude declared. "Everyone get your things and get in the car now" Jude orderd.

"But- " Nic began but Jude cut him of.

"Now" He demanded in Alpha tone.

"Yes Alpha" We all said in unison.

Once everyone was in the cars with Carter, Nic and leon in one car and me waiting for Jude in his car.

I have to admit i was slightly scared of being in a car with Jude and what is he doing anyway.

He came and got in the car, putting his seat belt on without looking at me, Was he really so angry with me being marked?

"Put your seat belt on" He orderd, still not looking at me. I did as i was told without saying anything.

We got back to Seths pack house quite fast because he took some back roads and went over the speed limit.

"I don't want to leave Jude please lets just stay and help the pack with this war then i promise i will leave and not make a fuss" i begged " I just want to know my mate"  

"Fine we will stay until this war is over"

You just promised to leave our mate in 3 months!  my wolf growled 


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