Two fighters

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Hello this is hopefully going to be long and please read my other books my favourite is ...

The Omega's Duaghter

description: Hanna is different, she's - well her parents- have been looking for her mate for months, but what happens when she turns out to be a rube, controlling Alpha? 

Zander, he's possessive and belives Hanna is his and only his, but she has a 'condition' and a ...


She's doesn't belive she's cut out to be luna or a good mate so will, the Alpha beable to tame the Fighters daughter, or will her reckless behaviour ruin there bond? 

find out by reading : The Omega's Daughter


Seth's pov.

(Before Pheobe runs out)

"How can i help you Jude?" i say sitting in my office chair, he growls lowly and i can understand how her doesn't like my tone; this is my pack and my territory so i will be in control.

"I now what you saw" He hissed "I had to give permission for the moon goddess to show her them visions and right now i wish i didn't" 

"Why? Don't you want her to be happy?" i raised an eye brow at his venom laced voice.

"Of course i want her to be happy as Her Alpha and friend but she is here to do a job and you are distracting her for this job, the rouge attack is close and your pack won't be ready" he told me, i knew he was right we hadn't trained in a while.

"I will inform my pack that we will be train every day starting tomorrow" i informed him in my business voice, he nodded and began towards the door. "Hey Jude?" i asked standing up, waling towards him.

"Yeah?" He asked cautiously, i can't believe i was going to do this.

"Punch me"

"What?" he looked taken back by my sudden demand

"I want to put this all behind us for Pheobe's sake, and i think you need to get-" i didn't get to finish my sentence cos his fist collected with my jaw, i stumbled back a few steps.

"Good?" I asked holding out my hand, he shook it with a firm grip to show a sign of respect.

"Good", with that he left my office and i walked to go get a cloth to slean up the blood on my face.


So that how i ended up chasing after Pheobe's wolf, in the woods. Bloody hell was she fast- but not match for a Alpha.

'Sweety calm down, let me explain' i begged through our mind link (all mates have there own mind link if in the same territory)

'I don't care, so just f*ck off' she growled, okay that hurt a little bit, i whimpered and she suddenly took a shrapre turn to the left making me run into a tree. 

'Pheebs that hurt, and i won't leave you alone until you stop' i warned she came to a Holt in front of a tree, i frew her the clothes and nodded to the tree. Which probably looked really weird in wolf form.

 I sniffed the air and growled, a unfamiliar scent was surrounding my nostrils, i quickly went and changed and we both came out at the same time.

"You smell that?" i asked quietly, she nodded then two people came out of the tree, a boy and a girl. "Get of my territory mutts" I growled.

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