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Sasha's mind was engulfed in rage as she studied her daughter's features while she laid in the hospital bed. Tears welled up in her eyes and began rolling down her cheeks like rivulets. Dark clouds seemed to constantly loom over her head. She fell to her knees, clutching her head in despair.

Sasha felt as if it was her fault, had she not walked towards that side of town, maybe her child would not have gotten shot. She felt the whole world collapsing around him. She should have been the one in that hospital bed, not her innocent child. There was no telling when Lyric would awake due to her being a coma. Sasha was surprised that Lyric had even survived the shooting, but she knew her baby was a soldier.

Before Sasha could finish mourning on her injured daughter, officers busted into the hospital room, causing her hands to shoot into the air in shock. Paralyzed with fear, she could not command her ears to hear the officers' commands.

"GET ON THE GROUND!" The officers screamed to Sasha for the tenth time. She immediately fell to the cold, ceramic-tiled ground. "You are under arrest for the murder of DeAndre' Carter. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney present during questioning. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you. Do you understand these rights?"Sasha just nodded her head, afraid that her voice would betray her due to her being so frightened. All the hairs on the back of her neck stood up, as the officers cuffed her hands tightly.

As soon as her and officers exited the room and entered the hallway, beeping alarmed in Lyric's room.


"So, yesterday at around 4 p.m. officers were contacted due to a foul smell coming from your apartment room. When officers entered you and DeAndre's apartment that you all share with your 14-month-old child, Lyric Carter, DeAndre was found with two bullets in his chest." Sasha was trembling with fear, due to the cold temperature in the room and her being scared. "Did you or did you not kill DeAndre Anthony Carter?" The author asked peering deeply into Sasha's light brown orbs. Deciding that there was no reason to lie, Sasha answered truthfully.

"Yes, I did." She said, surprising the Caucasian officer that sat before her. He thought that she would cause a lot of problems and continuously deny the killing of DeAndre.

"Why? You know that it is a crime to kill someone and if decided, you could be spending life in prison with no parole." Sasha nodded her head, despite the fear that she was currently feeling.

"But, domestic violence is also a crime, correct?" She asked. She wasn't going to let these people send her to jail.

"It is," The caucasian man said, nodding his head. "Are you implying that Mr. Carter used to hit you?" He asked, causing Sasha to scoff, thinking about the times that DeAndre used to rape, punch, cut, and verbally degrade her daily. She thought of the many things he used to say to her.

"You think you could be shit without me?" Dre' asked yelling directly in Sasha's face, making spit fly in her face. "Bitch, you a grown ass woman still in high school. You ain't gone NEVER be shit!" His hand immediately contacting her already sore face.

"I don't even know why I'm with your ugly ass! You don't do shit for me, but be a pain in the ass. Not to mention your sex is wack, the least you could do is please me right." He said, shaking his head, before throwing the entire wine glass at Sasha, causing cuts to encounter her skin.

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