I didn't ask to be here. I didn't ask to be raped at such a young age. I didn't ask to have to go through depression at such a young age. I didn't ask to not have any male figure in my life. I didn't even ask to be placed on this earth. I didn't ask...
Next chapter is the Epilogue 😪. Y'all gone miss Lyric and Auggie? Cause I sure as hell am....
I just want y'all to know that I love y'all ❤️. Y'all made me the great writer that I am! You alls constructive criticism and faithful comments push and motivate me to update.
You all showed me so much love throughout this book! At one point in time, I was going to unpublish and delete this entire book. But, I went through and read you alls comments, and my mind did a total 360!
I love y'all ❤️! Y'all my babies frl! Remember that if y'all ever need somebody to talk to, I'm forever right here!
Make sure y'all show me some love in the last chapter of the book!
Saint Louis, Missouri February 6, 2017 Lyric Zhiloh
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Lyric wandered up the staircase of August's house to meet up with him. It was the day after she had arrived home from Atlanta, and her energy was unquestionably renewed.
She was clothed in Fashion Nova light ripped jeans, a light pink off the shoulder sweater top, and her favorite pair of pink suede bootie heels. She had decided to wear her hair in a slicked back puff.
She knocked gently on the door, fearful of what could occur within the next hour that she would be in there. August unlocked and opened the beige door, dressed in a combination of gray sweat shorts and a white tee.
"Wassup, baybeh?" August asked, pulling her into the house.
"Nothing, just ready to talk, honestly." Lyric replied, shrugging her bare shoulders, that were exposed.
"Alright, come in da' living room," August stated, grabbing her tiny hands compared to his. "Alright, baybeh so let's start talking." This made Lyric nervous, he had just made the entire situation uncomfortable and awkward.
"Ummm, I truly don't know what to say..." Lyric pronounced, her voice drifting off.
"You said that we can't do this," August said, motioning his hands between the two. "Why is that?" Confusion was etched across his appearance, his dark brown, bushy eyebrows furrowed.
"I just don't want to be hurt, August. You know what I've been through with men throughout my life, and I'm just tired of being hurt, I don't want to jeopardize my heart anymore." Lyric said, dropping her head with tears threatening to fall from her brown eyes.