I didn't ask to be here. I didn't ask to be raped at such a young age. I didn't ask to have to go through depression at such a young age. I didn't ask to not have any male figure in my life. I didn't even ask to be placed on this earth. I didn't ask...
I'm really feeling this Omniscient thing, so I am gone start doing this more often!!
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As everyone was exiting the group therapy session building, August noticed Lyric making her way to the bus stop.
"Lyric!" He yelled out, causing her to turn around. Once she noticed him, she started to walked towards him, since they weren't that far apart.
"Yeah?" She asked, stuffing her pants into her jeans pockets, the cold December weather hitting her. Despite her being a winter baby, the weather still made her cold.
"You need a ride, I seen you walking towards the bus station." Lyric smiled at his consideration, but didn't want to make him go out of his way just to drop her off at her house.
"Only if you want to, I don't want you to be going out of your way." She said, trailing off. She hated when people did things for her, because then they would expect something in return.
"It's cool, come on." He said, guiding her to his car. As they were walking, August was thinking of conversations to spark up. "So, what's your plans for after high school?" August asked, as he placed the key in the ignition, starting the car up.
"Umm, I really want to leave Saint Louis. I'm actually thinking about UCLA or Howard University." Lyric said. She had been debating about attending an HBCU or PWI. She really wanted to go to California and start over, but she also wanted to invest back into the black community. Decisions, decisions.
August nodded his head, realizing that she really had her head on her shoulders. "I see that you then been through a lot. How do you just walk around all day and manage to seem all perfect?" August asked the question he had been wanting to ask for a while. This caused Lyric to chuckle.
"It's really easy for me to act. I have been acting my whole life, I was honestly starting to think about making a career in it." They both chuckled. "But, you do also. You walk around all the time and I be thinking you got the perfect life. You got the money-" August cut Lyric off.
"But, money doesn't make you be happy, it actually kind of made my life worst." August said with a shrug.
"I get your point, but I think that I would be more happier than I am right now with money." Lyric said, realizing that they had pulled up to her house. "Well, thanks for the ride, and the conversation. I hope that your life gets better, honestly." Lyric explained, giving him a small hug, feeling a slight spark, causing her face to show confusion.
August handed her a piece of paper with his number on it. "Here, call me anytime that you need me or even just want to talk. I be bored sometimes." He said with a smirk, causing her to laugh.
"Will do, sir." She said, smiling. As soon as she entered the house and August had pulled away, she decided to text him to be funny.
Hey 😝
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Meanwhile on the other side of town, Dave laid hugged up with his ex-girlfriend, Jade, tightly as they laid cuddled up in his bed. She had gotten back into town yesterday, and he wanted to spend some time with her, which is why he had canceled with Lyric last night, he did feel bad though.
"I got a feeling you haven't changed." Jade said, sighing, Dave started to shuffle around the bed.
"What chu mean?" He asked, in an agitated tone.
"I mean cheating, killing, selling drugs. You still doing all that bullshit ain't you?" Jade said looking at Dave in his eyes.
"Cheating, no. Selling drugs, yes. That's how I get my money, Jade and you know this."
"But its dirty money, why can't you just get a normal job?" Dave chuckled at the audacity of her.
"Don't forget this dirty money, started that damn business of yours, Jade."
"You know what, fuck you, I'll have your money back to you by the end of this week. Lose my number, for real this time." Jade said, standing up and getting dressed.
"You know what, fuck you, too. You never loved me anyway." Dave said, his feelings hurt.
"Shut the fuck up! Cause if I didn't love your no good ass I wouldn't be telling you the right shit to do. You always wanna play victim. Shut the fuck up and listen sometimes. You gone get caught up in the wrong shit one day, watch." Jade grabbed her bag, before exiting his room, slamming the door. Dave just shook his head, sighing as his phone began to ring.
"Wassup nigga?" Dave asked, as one of his boys called him.
"We got her, nigga!" This made him shoot up from his seat.
"I'm on my way!" Dave started to toss his clothes on.