I didn't ask to be here. I didn't ask to be raped at such a young age. I didn't ask to have to go through depression at such a young age. I didn't ask to not have any male figure in my life. I didn't even ask to be placed on this earth. I didn't ask...
We are nearly done with this book guys 😩. There will not be a sequel, I apologize 😔. This was just a short story that I wanted to get a message across with.
How old are you & where do you live? COMMENT!
Atlanta, Georgia February 5, 2017 Lyric Zhiloh
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Lyric posed for the camera, making sure that the arch in her back was perfect. Her perfectly brown orbs were staring directly out of the window, with the sun beaming into her eyes. Her newly curled hair looked amazing on her head, some falling in front of eyes, going for a seductive look.
Her caramel skin was decorated in a halter one-piece grey bodysuit, decorated with a white and gold body jewelry.
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"Alright, babes, that's it!" The director of the photo shoot stated. "Your Uber is outside waiting on you to take you to your hotel and to the Airport."
Lyric nodded, before heading to her dressing room. She sat down in the seat, and sighed in exhaustion. She had been in Atlanta for about a week now and had been doing photo shoots back to back.
She threw some grey sweats over the bodysuit, and grabbed her bags, heading out of the building, and getting into the Uber that was outside.
Lyric relaxed into her seat on the airplane hoping that she would catch onto some sleep that she had been missing out on. But a ding from her phone interrupted her.
August 😌: you know you can't ignore me forever... right???
Wasn't planning on it!
August 😌: can we meet up?
I'm on a ✈️
August 😌: geez 🙄 hmu when you get back in town ❤️
Lyric looked out of the window, deciding to not reply to August's message. She knew that August was the man for her, she was just scared of the possibilities of being hurt by another man. Despite seeming so strong and conceited, Lyric was hurt and heartbroken, and had yet to be mended.
She wiped the tears that had managed to fall from her eyes involuntarily, before texting her sister for some advice.
Jady 😩?
ShadyJady ❤️: yes baby?
Can I ask some questions???
ShadyJady ❤️: of course.. about what??
Relationships... I've known this guy for a couple of years, but just as friends. I'm scared to move on to the relationship stage with him, because of all the stuff I have endured with men. What should I do 😔?
ShadyJady ❤️: is he good to you?
ShadyJady ❤️: would you let your grandmother meet him??
Of course.
ShadyJady ❤️: and would you want to spend the rest of your life with him and father your kids?
Yes, Jady.
ShadyJady ❤️: Well then that's all that matters baby! Don't let your pass define your future. The dumb shit that those men did to you in the past, shouldn't hinder the choices you decide to make in life, Lyric. If anything all the things you have been through make you stronger. Honestly Lyric, your the strongest person I know! You don't know to many people, who have been raped & pregnant at 14, miscarried twice, told they can't have children, and lost their mother with an incarcerated father, doing as well as your doing.
ShadyJady ❤️: Your a bad ass bitch, with a banging as body. You have a whole career, and making more money than people haven't been through half the shit you've been through Lyric! I love you and just don't let what you've been through stop you from living your life!!!
By the time Lyric was done reading the messages sent from her sister, tears were falling tremendously down her face. She never thought that she would be looked at as a strong person in anyone's eyes. I decided to text August back.
Definitely 😚 we need to have a TALK ❤️
----- Any book suggestions? I need more books to read 😩😩😩
I understand that this chapter is short, but I'm trying to have this book completed by the end of this month and I really needed this part out of the way.