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I stalked towards the rabbit. It was grazing on a piece of grass as if there were no other care in the world.

Stupid rabbit. There is always something.

I pounced as the rabbit raised it's nose to the air. It saw me coming and quickly hopped off. I chased it down until I caught it in my mouth.

I raised my snout as I sense other wolves nearby. The white fur on my snout is covered in crimson blood.

I hear a low growl and take off. I hear footsteps chasing me and I roll my eyes.

Wolf, I've got places to be and things to do. I don't need you distracting me!

My wolf, Lexi, replies. Sonya, the meeting starts in 10 minutes!

I know that, Lexi! Why don't you help us lose this wolf! I snap.

Today, the King was having another meeting to try and find me. The only reason I go to these is so I can have a heads up. I have been spotted around the Royals territory quite a few times. I smirk to myself.

The wolf behind us backs off and Lexi carries us to our usual spot. A cliff close enough to the castle we can hear the plans, but far enough the other wolves can't smell us.

One more minutes, Sonya.

I get ready and start to listen in on the room of wolves.

"Men, Sonya Peterson has been spotted around our borders. A lot. We need new ideas to capture her. Our choice is either kill her or get her on our side. What do you say?"

"Kill her!"

"Men, if we have her on our side, we will have an advantage in the upcoming war. The rogues are also trying to get her."

"King Blake, sir, Sonya Peterson has killed many wolves. Rogues and pack members. She almost took out a whole pack by herself! She can't be trusted."

"Shaun, she may be our only chance. The rogue population has greatly increased due to the amount of women becoming rogues! We need to tame Sonya, so she can be seen in a pack. She is a "role model" for the women. If they see she can get away with being a rogue, more women will follow."

"Sir, if she is seen in a pack, many other will think there are second chances. We don't do second chances."

"We need a plan to capture her first."

"She has been seen around the west border. Maybe if we add more patrol, we will be more likely to catch her."

"Ok, that is what we will do. Patrol shifts last twelve hours. We will have increased patrol on the west border, with thirty men patrolling at all times there. The rest will have ten men patrolling. Sonya Peterson will soon be captured."

I laugh. They think they can capture us, Lexi!

I know, Sonya. I have an idea!

Does it include our revenge?


What is it?

Let's let them think that they captured you. You work your way into the King's heart and brain, to trick him. Once he trusts you, we attack! We kill him like he did our father!


"Sir, I'm sorry! I only did it for my daughter! She means the world to me and we haven't been doing well, lately! It won't happen again!" My dad pleaded with the black wolf in front of him. One of the guards behind the wolf spoke up.

The King Is My MateWhere stories live. Discover now