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WARNING! This chapter may make you cry! It made me cry multiple times. This is probably the hardest chapter I have ever written. The next chapter will be the Epilogue. Thank you so much for reading! I love you guys!

I sit, leaned up against a wall. In my arms are my sons, Rion James and Axe Zachariah Hunter. Rion is older than Axe by twenty minutes and forty-nine seconds.

The doctor scurries around taking our vitals. I lean my head on Blake's shoulder, exhausted. Blake's hand is wrapped in a cast, along with Cass's.

Across the room, Shaun and Ron shoot dirty glances at each other. Every once in awhile, Ron glares at Angie. When Shaun notices, he glares at Ron. Cass is snuggled up in Ron's arms as he whispers to her.

"Let me take our boys upstairs, baby. Then, I'll bring you upstairs." Blake reaches for Axe and I growl at him. "Baby, please. They will be okay. I promise." Blake reaches for Axe again and I growl weakly at him. Once he has both of the boys, he kisses my forehead and heads upstairs with them.

"Queen Sonya? May I talk to you?" The doctor walks over to me and offers his hand. I take it and he helps me up.


"A few things. I heard rumors that you were in danger. Are they true?" The doctor looks nervously at me.

"N-no. They are not true. I am perfectly safe and so are my boys." I glare at the doctor.

"Oh. I'm sorry, Queen." The doctor bows. " The other thing. Price Rion was born at a healthy eight pounds five ounces, but Prince Axe was born at two pounds and five ounces. We will have to monitor Prince Axe for a few weeks because of this weight difference. Also, for a newborn, that is not a very healthy birth weight. I am thinking it has something to do with the placenta not receiving the right amount of nutrients. Prince Axe may need to eat more fatty foods than Prince Rion. We will need bi-weekly checkups on him to make sure he is gaining weight steadily. When he reaches a healthy weight, he can go onto a diet similar to Prince Rion's."

I nod. "Are there any specifics I should feed him?"

"For now, stick with the bottle, but after four months, you can stick with fatty baby foods. For example, avocado. They are filled with nutrition and packed with healthy fats. Eggs, bananas, sweet potatoes, and peanut butter are also other options."

I nod. "Okay. Thank you." The doctor nods and scurries off. I head upstairs to the boys' room. I hear crying and open the door. Blake holds Rion out in front of him, a disgusted look on his face, while Rion cries. Axe lays in the crib, sleeping. I walk over to Blake, kiss his cheek, and take hold of Rion.

"I don't know what's wrong with him. He smells funny and he won't stop crying." Blake looks at me worried. "Did I hurt him?"

I smile and shake my head. "He needs his diaper changed. Don't worry. You didn't hurt him." I carry Rion over to the changing table and lay him down. I change his diaper and pick him back up.

"What would I do without you?" Blake wraps his arm around my waist. I smile at him and set Rion in his crib. "A la nanita nana nanita ella, nanita ella, Mi niña tiene sueño bendito sea, bendito sea, A la nanita nana nanita ella, nanita ella," Blake starts to sing quietly to Rion. "Mi niña tiene sueño bendito sea, bendito sea, Fuentecita que corre clara y sonora, Ruiseñor que en la selva, Cantando y llora, Calla mientras la cuna se balancea, A la nanita nana nanita ella," As Blake's husky voice fills the room, Rion starts to fall asleep. I sit in the rocking chair between the cribs and listen to Blake's voice. "A la nanita nana nanita ella, Nanita ella, Mi niña tiene sueño bendito, Sea, bendito sea, Fuentecita que corre clara y sonora, Ruiseñor que en la selva, Cantando y llora, Calla mientras la cuna se balancea, A la nanita nana nanita ella."

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