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I finished up the last of my chores as the clock struck 3. I ran upstairs to the conference room as fast as I could.

"Sorry I'm late. I was finishing up with some stuff." I rushed out. Blake offered a small smile and motioned to the chair next to him. I sat down, reluctantly.

"It's fine, il mio amore. We just started. Don't worry your pretty little face." Blake kissed my temple and turned to the men at the table. "Many of you have met my mate, but for those who haven't, this is Sonya Peterson. We had made a deal when we first found her and you all know that I am a man of my words. She will be at all meetings for the upcoming war. Any objections?"

I could tell that many of the men here wanted to speak up, but they also respected Blake's decisions. I smiled slightly. I also noticed that there were a few more wolves than yesterday.

"So, to start," Blake turns to me," do you, bellissimo, know anything about the war?"

I nod my head. Blake looks me in the eyes and, instantly, I am mesmerized. "Yeah...umm...rogues...lot of them...attacking...kill....pack..."

I mentally slap myself as I hear chuckles arise from around us. I turn red and look at the table. I feel a hand rub circles on my back and by the sparks, I know it is Blake. "My love, are you ok?" He whispers in my ear, low enough to where only I could hear.

"I'm sorry. I just- I should probably just go." I fumble with my fingers.

"I will dismiss the meeting. Tomorrow, we will try again." I nod my head and stand up. The men all leave, some nudging past me. I growl at them. "Wait, bellissimo, can we talk?"

I turn to Blake and nod my head. "I'm sorry for ruining the meeting." I blurt.

He chuckles. "That's not what I wanted to talk about, mi amore. I wanted to talk about something else." He studies my face and I growl at him.

"That's the only thing I want to talk about." His face drops and I turn away. "There is nothing more. Good day, Master."

Blake grips my arm, tightly. "Sonya, why won't you give me a chance!" I flinch at his voice. "What did I do to you? Ok, so I killed your father ten years ago! I was young and stupid, but I didn't have a choice! Why won't you just accept me?"

"You didn't have a choice?" My voice cracks.

"No, bellissimo. My father said I kill whoever is stealing from him or I won't be King. I found your father leaving one day and followed him to your home. I am sorry. Truly, but I had to do it. Please, Sonya. Give me a chance."

Sonya, give him a chance.

You were supposed to help me kill him, not make me love him, so shut up, Traitor!

Sonya, this is all you. I do want to be with him, but I can't make you fall into or out of love with him.

"Get rid of your maids. Give them some money and a house." I yank my arm out of his grip. "Then, I will think about it." I walk out of the room and close the door.

I spot Sabra rushing down the hallway. "Sonya! Oh my gosh! Master is going to kill me. Where were you?"

The door opens. "It's fine, Sabra. She was with me. It's fine, but you can go home now. Follow me, please." They start walking down the hall. "Oh, and Sonya?"


"I am sorry." With that, they disappear. I stand up and go to the kitchen.

"Make me a cake. I want there to be a message on it and a surprise inside. Make sure the King gets the surprise." I tell the chef. We sit talking details for the next two hours.

"Ms. Sonya, I have to finish up dinner. You may want to go get ready. The King wants you to feast with him in his room. The cake will be done tomorrow. The King won't know a thing." He winks and goes to the stove as I leave.

I rush to Blake's room and knock on the door. "Blake? You wanted me?"

I hear the sound of feet shuffling and something closing. I look at my nails and sigh.

I look up as the door opens. Blake stands in a silver-gray tuxedo with a bow tie. His hair is combed to the side. Next to him, standing in the jeans and a blue tee, I look like I don't belong.

"Sonya, do you want to change?" He raises an eyebrow.

'Umm...no. I am fine."

"Ok then." He quirks his eyebrow in amusement. "Come in then, mi amore."

He leads me into his room. I focus on my feet, as to not stumble in front of him.

"Sonya, there is a reason I wanted us to eat in private." I keep my eyes on my feet as we walk onto a balcony. The cool air makes a low moan slip out.

I turn red. "Not a word."

I can practically feel his smirk. In anger, I look up at him. His eyes are flickering between gold and black. I yelp. "Sonya, go inside. Find Shaun and Ron. Now!" I freeze in fear. "Sonya! Now!"

I snap out of whatever I was in and run inside. I slam the door and lock it. I find Shaun and Ron in a room. I run behind them as I hear a growl down the hall.

"Queen, what's going on?" Ron looks worried.

"Blake...wolf...gold...black...eyes...run...yell..."I manage to get out between gulps of air. Blake stands in the doorway in his pure black wolf. He growls at Shaun and Ron, threateningly.

After that, all I remember is the black wolf lunging at me.   

Hey! Sorry another short chapter. It looks longer on Google Docs.

So, remember Hot Guy? 

He has a girlfriend!!!! :( 

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