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~One week later~

My palms start sweating as I realize what today is.


Yolo. XD Howdy guys! Time skip here!


I walk down the hallway to Blake's room. My outfit for tonight is in his room. He is going to help me with it.

I enter his room, head bowed. Last time we were in the same room together, some words were said. Blake is sitting on his bed.

"Hi." His voice is neutral.


"It's in the closet." I nod my head one and head to the closet.

I find a black bra with white lace with a pair of underwear- if you could even call them that- with a transparent skirt and a tiny dirndl on it. Along with it is a pair of black stockings with lace on the top and black heels. I growl at the pieces of cloth.

I change quickly, but I have trouble tying the back of the bra. I grumble as I realize I will need Blake's help. I grab a towel from one of the shelves and wrap it around me, leaving only the strings accessible. I walk out, feeling ridiculous and severely underdressed.

"I- um....need help." Blake looks at me like I am crazy.

"Why do you have a towel wrapped around you?"

"Nevermind that. Tie this." I snap at him.

He ties it, making sure his fingers brush against my skin, sending shivers and tingles down my spine.

"Thank you." I hurry back into the closet, slip my regular clothes on over the "outfit" and sit in the corner. He has already told me that I am not to leave the room until midnight, which isn't for another four hours.

"Sonya, you don't have to stay in the closet." His voice comes from outside the door.

"I like it here." I retaliate.

"I want you in here."

"I want to stay in here. I will stay in here."

"Fine. I will see you later." I hear him storm out of the room and I relax.



"Sonya!? It's time."

I jolt awake and look at my surroundings. I am in a closet. Blake's closet.

The door opens, causing me to jump. "Found her!"

The man who yelled roughly grabs my arm and yanks me up. "Strip. You must walk out in Alpha's outfit." He demands. I nod and rid my clothes. "Come on." The man yanks me with him, pulling me downstairs and outside. With how hard he is pulling me, I am sure to have a bruise.

"Stand here. Alpha will be here shortly." I look around for the first time.

The scent of roses permeates the air. Rose petals are scattered on the ground. A blanket is a few inches away from where I stand. About 10 feet away, the chairs and blankets are filling up with people. A few children are playing in the grass. I smile a small smile as I watch them. The night air fills with laughter and talking.

I stare at the ground as Blake's familiar scent fills the outside. The voices silence except for a few quiet scolding from parent to child. When all is quiet, Blake shows himself. I stare at the ground, praying it will break open and swallow me whole.

"Today, many will experience a practice that hasn't been done for over a hundred years. Many have shunned this tradition in light of the new ages, but I am using it this once. I have sexually avoided my mate for longer than two weeks. Many of you have not met her yet. Sonya Peterson. My mate stands in front of you all today, prideful." I growl lowly, not feeling any pride standing in this ridiculous outfit. "I have chose her outfit as a remembrance of her stubbornness. Her first few days here, she decided to mingle with the maids. She defied my wishes to be a maid, so I gave her the chance." My eyes flash up to Blake, anger apparent. "I chose the time so that the moon goddess will bless us and our family."

"I will not have your child." I growl under my breath, low enough no one hears.

"Rinaldo, our oldest pack member, chose the wait time. For those with children here, feel free to send them in the castle at any point in time. There is food, games, and toys in there. Also, my mother volunteered to watch them." Many parents nodded to their children and sent them in. "When the moon is at her highest, the ceremony will begin. During the wait time, feel free to do what you want." With a nod of his head, Blake walks towards me.

I growl at him. "I hate these clothes."

"Don't worry, Neonata. They won't be bothering you much longer. Although, I really like them on you. It's a shame what will happen to them." Blake whispers in my ear from behind me, nibbling and sucking on my ear. "In no time, you won't even remember we are being watched." 

Hey, two chapters in one day, say whaaaat? XD

Next Chapter will be a private chapter, so you have to be a follower to view it.

If you want to skip it, that is fine, too. Nothing important will happen. (Well, plot based or whatever it is.)

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