I'm Right Here // Reece

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"Don't you dare blame this on me, Reece!" you shouted across the room as you shot daggers at the blonde boy who was obviously so ignorant to what you were trying to say. "Oh, please,
Y/N. Will you grow up!" he yelled as his accent got thicker and made you flinch. Your eyes narrowed as you began to march over to him ready to push his chest, but he easily caught your hands and held them in his strong grip. His face was hard with an angry look to it as his neck veins popped out and his eyebrows furrowed. "I hate you!" you screamed at him before you broke down in tears and breaking free from his grip on your wrists. He gave you a stern look, not even surprised by the words you had just yelled. "I hate you more!" he shouted louder than ever before making your eyes widen and your heart drop a thousand floors down. But that was not the worst. As you thought he was going to walk away, he quietly muttered a few words to himself, but you heard them loud and clear. "I can't believe I ever loved you," he mumbled and right there and then, you felt your entire heart shatter to pieces. Loved. Did Reece not love you anymore? Your head spun and you suddenly felt like you couldn't breathe, but you watched through your tears as Reece walked towards your shared bedroom and slammed the door shut. You didn't know how long you cried on the floor where he left you, but at some point you had fallen asleep where you were. A few hours later, you had awoken to the sunlight hitting your face through the window. Confused, you looked around and noticed that you had slept on the floor and soon realized what had happened last night. Your chest ached and you felt a fresh layer of tears in your eyes, but you got up on your feet and shook your head. Maybe Reece was just mad and he didn't mean those words he said. Maybe he was gonna wake up and come apologize. Thinking these things, you went into the bathroom and washed your tear stained face before making yourself a cup of tea and sitting by the window seat, waiting for Reece to wake up. Whatever was going to happen, you were going to need to talk to Reece, so you waited.

Reece's POV
I sleepily opened my eyes and squinted as the sunlight spilled through the shades. I groaned silently and turned over to wrap my arms around Y/N, but all I felt was a cold, empty side of the bed. My eyes widened and I quickly turned over to see that she was no where to be seen. Suddenly, everything came back to me. All those harsh words I had yelled at her, the way she cried, and the hurt look on her face as basically I told her that I didn't love her anymore. Of course that was all bullshit, she was everything to me and I was so in love with that girl. I shot out of bed as panic filled my body. What if she left me? What if we're over? I couldn't let her go, not like this. "Y/N!" I yelled as I looked in the different rooms of our apartment. "God, no no no. Where is she?" I muttered to myself as I ran my hand through my hair in frustration. I quickly ran into the room where I last saw her, hoping maybe she was asleep on the couch, but she wasn't there. Tears began to prick my eyes and I felt my chest tighten. Had she left me?

I sat staring out the window and sipping my now cold tea. Reece was still asleep and every second that passed made me feel nervous. What if he didn't love me anymore? What if he wanted to break up? I set my cup down and pulled my knees to my chest, feeling so broken inside. "Y/N!" I heard a voice yell with panic clearly audible. I snapped my head up to see Reece standing there looking all over the house as tears fell down his face. "Reece," I said quietly making him stop everything he was doing. "I'm right here," I whispered as his bloodshot eyes met mine. Within seconds, his arms were wrapped around me so tightly and my face was buried in his chest, breathing in his familiar scent. I could feel his tears through the thin material of my shirt and I frowned. Why was he crying? I pulled back and took his face in my hands, wiping away his tears that fell from his eyes. "Why are you crying?" I asked him with concern in my voice. "I- I thought you left after everything last night and I woke up and you weren't beside me and I started to freak out thinking you were gone and that you left me for good because of what I said to you and god, I'm so fucking sorry. You know I didn't mean anything that I said. I love you to death, baby. You mean everything to me and if you were gone I don't even know what I'd do without you. Please never leave me," he sobbed into your shoulder. "Hey, shhh. I'm right here," you whispered as you ran your hands through his soft hair, automatically making him relax in your arms. "I'm not going anywhere," you told him as he looked up at you. "Sadly, you're stuck with me forever," you joked making him crack a smile at your stupid jokes. "I don't mind being stuck with you forever," he whispered, his voice hoarse from crying. You smiled at him, wiping away the last of his tears before kissing him on the lips softly. You felt Reece smile into the kiss, making your stomach erupt with butterflies. Every couple had their fights, and you both weren't going to let one stupid one ruin your relationship.

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