Fight // Blake

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Your heels clicked against the pavement as you took long strides trying to keep up with Blake. You two were having a nice dinner when Blake decided to be the jealous prick he was and make a huge scene about how the waiter was "hitting on you." You were not only embarrassed in front of everyone at the restaurant, but you were furious with him as he dragged you out of the place in silence. Now here you were in the car as both of you breathed heavily with tension thick in the air. You kept your eyes out the window and occasionally saw Blake glance over at you, but you didn't care. He wasn't going to be let off the hook that easy. You hopped out of the car as fast as you could and raced into your shared apartment with Blake on your heels. You shrugged off your coat and hung up it up before kicking off your shoes making you look much shorter than Blake. You tried to make your way into the bedroom without him noticing, but that clearly didn't work. "Y/N," he said sternly making you stop in your tracks. You turned around quickly with a hand on your hip and raised your eyebrows at him. Your anger was radiating off of your body and Blake knew it. "Look-," he began, but you cut him off immediately. "No, Blake. I don't want to hear it! You made a fucking scene at that restaurant when all I wanted to do was have a nice meal with you! Is that too much to ask for? The waiter wasn't even flirting with me for Christ sake!" you raised your voice at him as you felt a lump in your throat form. His eyebrows furrowed and you knew you had worked him up. "Are you kidding me? That guy was basically all over you and you know it! I was beginning to think you liked him back!" he yelled even louder than you making you flinch. Your eyes widened with what he had said and he seemed to notice as well. "Is that really what you think of me? Like I go after every guy I see? You really think that low of me?" you whispered as your voice cracked. Your head was hung low and Blake knew that you were crying. "No, Y/N. Fuck, of course not. I'm just a jealous asshole, that's all," he said walking over to you and wrapping his arms around you. You cried into his chest and he whispered how sorry he was into your ear while rubbing your back. He grabbed your face and made you look at him through teary eyes. "I love you so much, okay? And I'm so fucking sorry for the way I reacted at that restaurant. I just can't take the thought of losing you to another guy. I promise I'll make it up to you," he said. You smiled softly at him and nodded wrapping your arms around his neck. "Apology accepted," you smiled as he pulled you in for a kiss making butterflies erupt in your stomach.

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