The Gathering part 3

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Lexi's point of view

    Yay! Prom is tonight! I can't believe I am going with the football captain! This all went through my head as I got ready for prom. "What type of dress should I wear?" I muttered. "Dad!"

     It took a minute but my dad came it to view. "Yes sweetheart?" He asked. "What dress should I wear?" I asked. I held up a pink dress with a long fluffy skirt in one hand and a emerald dress with a short fluffy skirt. He looked at both of them for a minute.

     "The pink one." He said. "It shows less skin." It was a typical single dad answer. "Okay so....the emerald one? Thanks dad." I said. "I thought I said pink?" He said. "You did. Which means it is the ugliest sense you choose the least fashionable clothes." I replied. He rolled his eyes and walked out.

     Prom the one night me and my boyfriend, Luke, can do something together. He is normally busy with football. Or I am busy will cheer.

     I slipped into the dress and curled my hair. Then there was a buzz. I look around and realize it was my phone.


     We can't go to Prom! We have the reaping:(

     Right the reaping. How could I have forgotten! If was literally the most dangerous part of the year. Well the games are. Most of the times the games are very gory. Except for one time. That year it was desert theme and everyone died of heat stroke. That one was terrible. My brother won but before he could get taken out he died. So really he didn't win.

So what? I am going anyway they can drag me away!


It was weird that I said that. Children of Aphrodite aren't really ones for Violence. Unless it came to amazing heels being on sale. Then you might lose an eye. Once a few years ago on of the campers got sent to jail because she clawed somebody's eyes out.


      Well it's not my fault if you get a bruise or two.

Oh well, I thought. I won't matter if I get chosen. I would be dead in second.

     The door bell rang. I heard someone down the stairs. "Hello Mr. Martenez. Is Lexi ready?" He asked. It was Luke. "I dunno let me go check." Dad replied. I heard dad coming up the stairs. "Sweetheart. Luke is here." He said through the door. "Okay it will be a minute." I said putting earrings in.

     A few minutes later I was leaving the house. Without anyone saying,"It's time."

     As soon as we were in the car Luke asked,"What about the reaping?" Luke knew I was a demigod. One, because he could see though the mist and two, because I told him. "What about it?" I replied. "Well l, the reaping is tonight and so is prom. What if they take you?" He said. "They won't." Well I spoke to soon. Just then Luke ran over a guy! "Luke!" I screamed. I looked over to see if he was alive. The air bags went off and it felt like my nose was bleeding. He looked unconscious. No..... dead. He was dead!  He wasn't breathing. Dammit! I got Luke killed! I thought.

     The door flew off the car and someone grabbed  my arm. "Lexi Martenez we need you to come with us." The guys says as he drags me out of the seat. Damn, I thought, these guys are rough.

      "Let me go!" I yelled. I was crying with mixed emotions. Anger, because it was my fault that Luke died. Sadness, because Luke died. Joy, because..... Actually I don't know why. I was struggling with the person ripping me from my seat. Some how I was still in the car. The sound of sirens were coming from down the street. "Get out!" The man yelled. With one final jerk he pulled me out of the car.

     When I got out I could see the ambulance and a police car. It looked like they didn't notice me. But that is good I guess. They would be dead in a second. Heels, I thought.

     I lifted up my foot and stabbed him with my heel. He howled in pain. "You beautiful bitch!" He yelled. "They to take me now!" I yelled as I turn and start running. Then out of nowhere a body just came and tackled me.

     "Lexi," She yelled,"Come on!" I was not winning this and what was the point? I was going to die either way. "Fine." I said. I look around and see blood on the ground. It that nine? The I realize I have scraps everywhere. The girl got off of me. I look at her and saw that it was Maci. "Why were you guys so rough?" I asked. "The text you sent me." Maci replied. Right the one where I said they had to drag me out of there to take me. I remember now. The guy picked me up and took me to the chair of. Maci got in first. Then I was thrown in there. Finally, the guy.

     I look at the car and see that they put Luke on a stretcher. They were putting him in the ambulance. "He'll be alright, right?" I asked. Maci nodded and the chariot was in the air.

Word count: 930


Sorry for those who take the time to read this. I am just going to move on with people who are at Olympus. Thanks for the votes!🙂

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