First Day part 3

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Emma POV

"I wonder what I have in my bag." I said. Natalie and I were wondering in the woods. "Think this is far enough to stop and go through 'em?" She asked as she looked over her shoulder. I didn't blame her. This game was risky, how do you trust people?  Epically boys. Which is why I need to dump her. But how? I am kinda refusing to kill people unless absolutely nessacary....or if they are boys. Ick! Boys. The thing that destroys the worlds. "Natalie let's split up and meet back here at night." I said. " Looks like a fine place to rest for now." She nodded and went her own way as I went mine. Now I don't have to try and protect her. I started running to get as far away from there as possible. But then I tripped on something.......No someone! I looked to see who it was. I looked at the legs. There was one whole where I shot here. She had a cut on her arm, bruises on her. "Rileigh!" I yelled. But then I heard some rustling behind me. I got up and ran towards a tree and climbed it. Shit, I thought, this is how I'm going to die. A short kid walked past Kennedy. He looked down, left, right, and finally up. When I saw his face I knew it was Victor. I also know he saw me. He nodded to let me know I was okay if I wanted to come down. I nodded back and went down. "Are you okay?" I asked as I strolled beside him. "No. No I'm not." He looked at Rileigh and tears started rolling down his face.  We stood still for a moment in silence. We were both so quiet you could hear his tears landing on the grass. But then the silence was gone. There was a loud roar that seemed to be close to us.

"Victor let's go." I said calmly. "I can't leave her." He replied. "Victor she's already dead." I said harshly. "Plus I'm one hundred percent sure that she would want you to continue to win the games." Victor looked at me angrily and then sad again. There was another loud roar that was way closer than it was before. "Victor let's go!" I said not so calmly. You could feel the foot steps shake the ground. "She's alive." He said. "She is clearly breathing." I looked at Victor like he was crazy. "Victor if she's alive then let's go. The beast will kill us and her when it finds us!" Victor looked at me again. "No. Go and protect yourself. I will stay here and protect Kennedy. I looked at Victor and walked towards him. He looked at me like he was going to die when I got to him. "Thank you, V." I said and pecked him on the cheek. "Your welcome." He turned towards his sister's lifeless body and carried her towards the lake. I couldn't help but stand there and cry over what he was doing and how broken he was. I turned around to see a beast in front of me. A giant three headed and winged beast. "Emma run!" Yelled someone. I turned and ran for my life. I was dodging trees and jumping over fallen trees.  "Help me!" I yelled while running. Why would anyone help me? We are all trying to survive and kill others. I mean what's the point in helping when I will quite literally stab you in the back.

I ran for a few more minutes before I had to stop. I didn't hear anything chasing me or anything. I found a hollow log and crawled inside. This is where my camp will be, I thought. But then I found someone else's bag inside. Holy crap, I thought. I stayed there kind of afraid and stunned. So someone thought the same as me? What should I do? Run or take the bag and run? I waited a few minutes before I thought of a better idea. I would climb a tree and wait for the person to come back. Then I will kill them and take whatever they have that is useful. I found a tree where I could see the log's entrances. I grabbed rope from my pack and tied myself securely then waited.  

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