I Do, 1

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[Sarah and Christian in MM]

Sarah Marshall

"Christian, baby, pray over your food before you eat." I said sternly.

"Okay," He closed his eyes, bowing his head. "Thank you Jesus for making mommy cook my favorite food. Jesus, I luh you and mommy do too. In Jesus name, amen."

I giggle, proud of my little man. "Amen. Now eat, Peter's on his way."

He gasped, stuffing food in his mouth. "Okay, mommy."

I got him a fresh pair of clothes to wear, knowing he'll ruin that one he has on in a matter of seconds. I love my son, but he is the sloppiest eater I have ever seen. I broke my gaze and sat his clothes on the couch. I sat down relaxing my hurting feet, before the doorbell rang. I smiled, knowing it's Peter.

No, Peter and I are not seeing each other. I like him a lot, but I doubt he'll feel the same way for me. I mean I'm just a regular girl from New Awlins and he's a rich producer from Cali.

Who's really into single mothers nowadays?

"Hello, Ms. Marshall." Peter smirked, handing me a dozen red roses.

"Peter, stop." I giggled. "I told you not to say my last name. Call me Sarah, please."

Truth is, I still hate my last name. Only because I was named after my parents and I want no dealing with them, let alone their name.

"Okay, I mean you won't be a Marshall for long anyways. Mrs. Jones sounds a bit better." He said, kissing my cheek. "Where's my big man at?"

"Eating spaghetti in the kitchen. Help yourself to a plate if you'd like."

"Nah, I have a new artist coming through in a hour."

"What's her name, so I can write it down." I said.

I automatically know it's a woman because that's all he signs. Women. It's annoying but who am I to question?

"Uh, August Alsina."

"That's a different name for a girl. I've heard of May, April, June, and sometimes January, but August?" I laughed slightly.

"Babe, it's a man."

I looked up. "Oh. I knew that. See, I was just making sure you knew."

"Okay." He walked away into the kitchen.

It's funny, I thought I heard him call me babe.

Oh my gosh, he did.

My eyes widen, He called me babe! "Wait, what did you call me? Peter, you just called me babe."

I jogged into the kitchen, finding Peter and Christian chatting among themselves.

"My mommy told me I don't have a daddy. She said God is my only Father." I hear Christian say.

"It's okay man, I don't have a dad either. He left my mom and I when I was your age." Peter replied and I sighed.

"Why?" He asked innocently.

"My daddy didn't like my momma like he should have. My daddy did a very bad thing and I never saw him again." Peter said, shrugging.

I remember briefly Peter telling me him father was a drug addict. How sad he was when he told me. But, a good outcome was that his mother gained a few million dollars by owning her own design company.

I meet her once and I really look up to her. After all she's been through with Peter's dad, she still managed to forgive  him and continued to pursue her dreams so her and Peter could live a better life. I love her so much.

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