Usually I'm not the one to take news or to voice my opinion on Wattpad because that's what I have my Facebook for, but this week has been really crazy. Not just for me but for others as well.
Early this week, the world got some news on a young woman whose name is Nia Wilson. If you don't know the story behind this, I'm going to give you a quick run through.
Nia and her sister were going home from somewhere (either from work or just hanging out. I'm not too familiar with that part) but as they got off the train, a middle aged, racist white man followed them and slit Nia's throat, killing her and stabbing Nia's sister in the neck.
It hurts my heart and literally my soul, one because, they are both so young and two, if you don't know I'm black.
As black as I can be. Negro. Nigga. I'm all of that and I walk to and from work. I don't know when someone is going to come up behind me and end my life. I'm black in a racist world. Being black in America, TO ME, is a death wish. Not only do I fear for my life, I'm also pissed off because they're labeling the man that killed an innocent teenager as basically unhealthy. They're blaming it on a disorder.
I'm sorry, he killed a BLACK teenager and the world is quiet. I know multiple people who got a bipolar disorder or a depression disorder and they didn't walk up to a innocent person and kill them.
I'm pissed because my people are getting killed left and right and not many white people are doing anything about it. Not even our punk ass U.S president is putting notice to what happened. His ugly ass is worried about tv shows and starting beef with other people.
Another thing I'm pissed off about is baby that got raped on Facebook live.
The girl was literally in the back screaming for the man to get off her and to stop and her "friend" sat her fat, ugly ass on Facebook live and did not a damn thing. The girl was answering all types of phone calls from other people, but couldn't pick up the phone and call 911. And when the boy asked her "yo friend getting raped and you ain't gone do nothing" she sat their biting her nail shrugging. He replied laughing "say it ain't none of yo business."
BITCH, that is yo business. You're in the room with them. If I find out my friend getting raped, I wouldn't care if I was all the way in the North Pole, bitch, I'm telling Santa fat ass to get the sleigh and we on our way to my friend.
(I went a little ratchet there, but excuse me. If you watched the video I'm talking about you would feel just as angry and heartbroken as I did and understand why I'm so pissed.)
There's more I know I can go on about, but I'm not gone do that.
Please pray for the Wilson family and pray for the woman who was raped as well.
#JusticeforNia 💔✊🏾

I Do. (August Alsina)
RomanceSarah Marshall. A 21 year old, single mother. Five years ago, at the age of 16, she was brutally beaten and raped by her ex Raymond Brown. He impregnated her and left her to die. Nine months later after the incident, she birthed a beautiful baby boy...