August Alsina.
"Baby, get up." Asia said.
"I'm up, what's wrong?" I asked, moving onta ma side ta see ha face. I looked at the alarm clock and noticed it was only like 3:40 in the morning.
"Christian's crying in his room."
I rushed out the bed ta go check on ma yungin. Soon as I got ta his do', I knocked then walked in. I sighed, watching him hold onta the picture of Sarah. He held on ta the picture like it was really ha and the sight saddened me.
"I miss you, mommy." He cried.
"Come hea, lil man." I sat down next to him, pulling him closer ta me. I let him cry in ma shoulder. I jus wanted ta be hea fa him. I know he needs Sarah, but I'm all he got besides ma family and Simon, who moved out of New Awlins.
"I miss ha too, but we gotta be strong. They gone find ha, aight? She good." I tried to think of something Sarah would say, but I couldn't.
"I want my mommy!" He cried.
I finally thought of something ta quiet him a lil. I pulled out ma phone and went straight ta my videos. I scrolled until I found what I was lookin fa.
It was a video I took of Sarah and Christian two days befo I proposed.
"Baybeh," I called out, makin Sarah and Christian turn they heads.
"What bro?" She answered.
"Say somethin ta Snapchat."
"Something." She replied, wavin me off.
"Damn hater. Aye, lil man, say wazzam ta Snapchat."
I zoomed in on his face as he walked closer ta the camera. Once he got too close, he did some type of old school pose and smiled in the camera.
"Wazzam, blood." He said, making Sarah slowly turn ha head towards us.
"Anthony." She said.
"I ain't do nothin."
I tried ta quickly get up ta run away, but she moved way too far and ran and smacked ma phone out ma hand.
The video ended with ha smacking the phone and the phone smackin the flo'.
Christian wipes his tears, laughing at the video. "My mommy hit you."
"She did, didn't she. Abusive ass."
I went ta another video of us.
"Do the stanky leg, aye do the stanky leg." Sarah and Christian was playing these old ass dance songs, tryna out dance each other.
"I got one!" Lil man yelled, takin Sarah's phone ta change the song. Once I heard the familiar beat, I shook ma head.
"It's turbo time, let's work it, work it," Sarah sang along, puttin ha hands on ha knees, lowkey throwin that ass.
I bit ma lip, smirkin. They didn't know I was recording them fa ma lil instagram and ma Snapchat. I needed the whole world ta see these niggas.
Christian screamed, pointing at Sarah. "You messed up, I won!"
She laughed, "No I didn't, shut up."
"Daddy–I mean Aug, you saw my mommy mess up?"
I smiled. "Yeah I did."
"Hold up, you recording?"
I quickly stopped recordin, savin the video ya ma gallery and begin ta record another video. "Man nah. Y'all ain't nothin ta record, lame."

I Do. (August Alsina)
RomanceSarah Marshall. A 21 year old, single mother. Five years ago, at the age of 16, she was brutally beaten and raped by her ex Raymond Brown. He impregnated her and left her to die. Nine months later after the incident, she birthed a beautiful baby boy...