I Do, Prologue

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[Sarah in mm]

Sarah Marshall.

A 21 year old, single mother. Five years ago, at the age of 16, she was brutally beaten and raped by her ex boyfriend Raymond Brown.

Raymond Brown, 28, a young man who was

Nine months later after the incident, she birthed a beautiful baby boy, Christian Malik Marshall. Christian, an obedient young boy, who loves meeting new people. He's very caring and lovable. Christian is all Sarah has to a family. Sarah and Christian are strong, faithful believers in Christ, hence the name Sarah had given Christian.

That one night of the attack, Sarah's life changed forever.

Sarah's Marshall, 15 September

New Orleans, Louisiana

I waited patiently at the bus stop, hopin' and prayin' ma' bus will come. Sorry, ma' name is Sarah Jeanie Marshall. I'm turnin' 17 in five mo' days.

I can't wait. I'm so excited. I'm goin' ta' spend ma' birthday wit' ma' parents, Kevin and Sierra Marshall. I was goin' ta' spend wit' ma' boyfrien' Raymond, but we're takin' a big break right now.

He felt like since I'm still in high school, with teenage boys, I'll cheat on him. Which is the most dumbest statement eva'. The school I go to, there's no cute boys there. Plus, they're a bit stupid. What eleventh grader doesn't know how to write a proper thesis statement? Or doesn't know probability and statistics? Or pre-calculus? I mean, I was learnin' high school lessons in seventh and eighth grade.

Anyways, Ray's bein' insecure as always...

"Crap, now I'm hungry and ma' bus is down the street." I glance down the street to see a local corner store at the end of the street.

Maybe if I run down thea', buy ma' chips, my bus will show up in front of the store. Yup, exactly what I'll do.

I began to walk down to the corner store. I hear a horn beep and I turn around. I see a black Jeep ahead and immediately get nervous. I know about all the craziness in the world, I'm not dumb! And on top of dat' in the streets of New Awlins, you don't makes it ta' 24 lackin'.


I jump hard, prayin' that it's jus' ma' imagination.

I finally made it ta' the store, thankin' God. I bought my chips and as I walked out my bus rode by, passin' me in the process.

"No!" I screamed, running after it. I groaned, throwin' ma' hands up in the air. "Crap! I'm so stupid!"

All fa' a stupid bag of hot cheetos.

When it got to far, I stopped. What am I doin' runnin' after a movin' bus.

"Aye," I turn around, seein' the black jeep. As I was about to run away, the window to the Jeep rolled down and see my boyfriend, Raymond. "Babe, get in da' car."

Raymond is 21 years old and way more mature than I am. He has tattoos on both arms and some on his chest and back. I know what you're thinkin', but he just completes me. He taught me how I am supposed to be treated by a older man and I can honestly say I want to be with him for the rest of my life. I luh him so much!

I Do. (August Alsina)Where stories live. Discover now