Sarah Marshall.
A 21 year old, single mother. Five years ago, at the age of 16, she was brutally beaten and raped by her ex Raymond Brown. He impregnated her and left her to die.
Nine months later after the incident, she birthed a beautiful baby boy...
I've prolonged my vacation long enough and it's time to get back to work. As I told y'all before, I'm coming out with the second book of "I Do" called "I Don't". I'll upload the first chapter sometime next week no later than Wednesday. If y'all don't see it, feel free to cuss me out for lying to y'all.
Since I did take such a long break from here, I wanted to tell y'all what I've been through.
1. I tore a ligament in my wrist. I was at work, and I lifted a box beyond my capabilities and the box fell out of my hand backwards and tore my po' wittle wrist.
2. I've tried and tried for a baby, but it's not working.. and it did hurt me because I've seen people who can't take care of kids have multiple kids. I started to think something was wrong with me, but if it's not my time, I won't rush it no more. Just know when I do have a little me, BABY, ain't no stopping me. I'm gone pop out 4/5 mo' after that.
3. My boyfriend and I broke up like 3 times this year. The first time I ain't gone lie, it was my fault because I decided to post a guy I thought was so freaking fine on my Snapchat and he got mad, blew up on me and we broke up. We got back together shortly after. The second time was partially me because I got busy with everything and responded to his text message super late. He got fed up and broke up with me. We got back together two days later. The last time was partially me at all. An old FRIEND called me. I declined the called because I'm spending time with my baby. He got mad and when I say mad, I mean MAD! He cut up because he felt like I should've blocked dude because he use to like me all the way in high school. He broke up with me, compared me to his cheating, trifling exes and I don't know if we're going to make it at this point because right now he's viewing me like he viewed his ex. Although he took me back days later, I know him and at any flip of a dime, he might change his mind. I do love him and want this relationship to work. I just don't know he feels the same. If it be God's will, we bounce back like nothing happened... until then, I don't know.
3. I unfortunately fell back into the same funky two steps of self harm. And because my boyfriend isn't my friend right now, he won't hear me out about this and I doubt he wants to be around me. He knows my history of this and he knows how easy my mind can trigger and trick me. I lost my breath and blacked out. The last thing I remember was sitting fetal position in the shower, blood running from my arm and I don't know how to recover from that moment.
4. I've had opportunities coming to me about writing on a different platform. At first I was all for it, but the way their schedule works, I'll never have time for y'all. So I'm going to politely take my L and bow out gracefully. I love y'all and I'll never leave y'all. 💚
5. I have a bunny rabbit and his name is Snowball. 💚🥰
Meet my son Snowball King Abraham Cornelius Matthew Mark Luke John Brown. 💚 Ain't him so precious 🥰☺️
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