Sarah Marshall
"Christian, come here. Mommy has to ask you a quick question." I shouted.
Today was Thursday and today, I had this beautiful day off.
Since August voiced how beautiful I was, I've been on this road of expressing how beautiful I was to myself or just plainly making myself happy with myself.
Every morning and night, I stare into my bathroom mirror and tell myself I'm beautiful and with every test, there's a testimony.
"Yes, mommy?" He ran into the kitchen.
"You know Mr. August right?" I ask and he nods. "How would you feel if he took us out to dinner?"
"I wanna go! We never go out to eat, we stay here and eat all the time!" He expressed dramatically, he even went to the depths of grabbing his stomach like it was aching and falling on the floor. "I thought I was gonna die."
I straight faced him for a bit, before a smile appeared on my face. "You silly boy, come here."
He laughed loudly, walking over to me. "Yes, mommy."
I grabbed his arm, tickling him. "Do you like Mr. August?" I asked.
I watch his facial expression as be began to smile harder. "Yes! When you we're at the doctor buildin', he brought me a snicker and a Reese Cup. Mommy, it was so good. He even pray for you and he say your favorite scripture!"
My heart warmed up a bit and smile a bit brighter. "What scripture? I have a lot."
"H-he said thou wilt um k-keep him in perfect uh uh peace," He said excitedly, but continued. "Whose mind is stayed on thee because... Because he trusteth in thee..." He finished staring at me, like I suppose to correct something he said.
"Where is it found?" I smile. "And if, only if you get it right I'll call Mr. August and tell him we could go out tonight."
His face lit up even brighter, if that's possible. "Isaiah chapter twenty-six, verse three! I know it, mommy. Call him!"
I burst out laughing at my son. He so excited to go out and eat like I don't cook for him here.
My little crazy man.
I pulled out my phone and called the number August gave me. I bit my lip in anticipation, waiting to hear his voice.
"Helluh." He answered and I kid you not, my heart swelled up.
"H-hi, this is Sarah." I stated.
"Wazzam, Sarah?"
"Uhh n-nothing, you?"
"Amazin', so I know there's a reason why ya called. So, what's da' reason?"
I sighed, "I wanted to take up your offer on having lunch, i-if the offer is still on the table. I asked my son and I think this could be a nice experience for us."
"Coo', how 'bout ta'night at 7? I know a restaurant up da street from da' studio. I could pick y'all up."
"Oh, no thank you. We could meet up at the studio, I wouldn't wanna waste ya' gas."
"Nah, it's coo' ya' feel me. I know you catch da' bus and shit and I don't want you or ya' son to get in some type of trouble. What's ya' address, baybeh girl? I'm pickin' y'all up." He insisted, sternly.
I sigh again, feeling defeated. "678 Parkview. We apartment number 78. Just ring when you're here."
"Aight, luh. Get ready, it's already goin' on 5:30. I'll be there at 7." He said, before hanging up.

I Do. (August Alsina)
Storie d'amoreSarah Marshall. A 21 year old, single mother. Five years ago, at the age of 16, she was brutally beaten and raped by her ex Raymond Brown. He impregnated her and left her to die. Nine months later after the incident, she birthed a beautiful baby boy...