AN: And no Sarah ain't getting saved. As long as this book is out, she ain't got nobody coming to the rescue. She on her own. Also, know I will not go back and forth with anyone over a fictional story. Anybody got a problem, message me. And if you bout all that action, send me the addy.
Sarah Marshall
"I hate you!" I screamed kicking and punching the wall.
You're going crazy, boo
"Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!" I screamed, crying into my arms.
No, I'm going to talk. This is your fault. You should have never had sex with Peter. This is your fault. All. Your. Fault.
I cried, laying my head down in the dirty floor. My body was still in great pain. It's been a week since I'd been jumped on by three men. I still had a black eye, since they refused to grant me in wishes to wash up, I still had dried blood from my nose and mouth all over my face and neck.
"Let me out!" I screamed, crying into my arm.
I wanna go home. I wanna wake up from this nightmare and be with my child and fiancée.
They can't hear you. They've drowned you out. You're gonna die down here.
I cried, wanting to bang my head on the floor. I needed the voices to leave me. I couldn't take it. I was in mental distress.
"If you get me out, Lord I promise I-I'll do better, just please get me out." I cried.
"Boo hoo. You might as well curse that god because he ain't getting you out no time soon."
But put forth thine hand now, and touch all that he hath, and he will curse thee to thy face.
I jumped, looking into Peter with wide eyes. Blocking him and also that inner voice out. "Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him: but I will maintain mine own ways before him."
"What was that love?" He asked coming closer.
"I said t–"
I'm literally kicked in the face. I fall back, screaming out in agony as my nose bled out.
"You think I give a fuck about yo god? Huh?"
I ignored him, scooting away from him.
"I asked a question. Answer me before I get them niggas down here. They'll do a lot more harm than I will."
Holding in my tears and cries, I simply muttered, "No."
"And you fucking right. Now, back to the important stuff."
As he began to talk, I completely zoned him out. I was in nothing but complete and utter pain. I felt like I suffered enough. I couldn't take it. I wanted this pain and suffering to end as soon as possible.
I'd never wanna leave my baby, Christian to fend for himself, but I just can't be in this predicament anymore. I was hurting and I was so unhappy.
I'm trying not to lose faith in Jesus because of this, but I felt like He wasn't hearing me. And I know the scripture say He'll never leave me nor forsake me, but I feel like he left me.
Just kill yourself
Suicidal thoughts ran through my mind since being captured here. And being drugged up wasn't helping my case. Being in whatever drug they had me in increased the desire to kill myself. Only reason I couldn't do it was because there was still a small amount of hope I had that knew God would make a way of escape for me.
My thoughts were silenced by Peter squatting down before me. I held my breath, crossing my fingers that he wouldn't hurt me.
"My love," he said, twirling a piece of my hair in his hand.
"Yes?" I whispered, holding my head down.
We began to hear commotion upstairs, which caused Peter to put his hand up, listening carefully.
"Don't make a fucking sound." He said, dashing to the stairs.
But before he could make it up, a black man in a police uniform walks down with his fingers wrapped around his gun.
Him and Peter stared at each other intensively before he spoke.
"Mr. Jones, what do we have here?"
"A sex dungeon, Officer."
The officer walked over to me and squatted in front of me. "Do you need any help, ma'am?"
I could see Peter in my peripheral view, balling his fists up. "Y-yes, sir."
He got up from his squatting position and turned to Peter.
"Nigga, come on." He said, confusing me.
Why wasn't he arresting him and saving me?
He chuckled a little, before giving a bro hug. "Man, you know I can't help it. I see something I like and I just gotta have it."
The officer shook his head and laughed. "I know, man. But keep it low, I got multiple calls from people driving by saying they hear screaming and I'm guessing it's her over there." He pointed at me and I drop my head.
I'm not getting outta here.
"Thanks for the heads up. And I need a huge favor. I know you know some nigga in Atlanta."
He nodded, folding his arms. "I do. What's up?"
Peter nodded in my direction and soon enough, walked away from me.
Once they got out of my view, I got up and limped over to the small window. The window was filled with so many spider webs, dust, and gunk. I gagged as I slid my hand across the window. Once I saw a road, my mind thought about my escape plan.
I wanted to lose a lot more weight to be able to fit through the window, but my hips and thighs were an extreme problem.
"saying they hear screaming"
I looked back to make sure no one behind me before unlatching the lock on the window.
Before I could stick my hand out the window, food steps are heard. Multiple food steps too. I limped towards the spot I was at, falling right on top of the filth covered blanket.
I bit hard on my bottom lip because of the way I landed on my arm.
"Ms. Marshall."
I held in my cries, glaring up at him. "What?"
"You disappoint me, you know that." He stated, folding his arms against his chest.
I knew he was referring to me telling that corrupt officer that I needed help. I didn't regret it either. I meant what I said. I need a lot of help.
"Sorry to hear that." I mumbled.
"Is that sarcasm, love."
"No," I said shaking me head.
"Like I was saying. I'm disappointed in you and I will not tolerate it."
He motioned for two men to come before me. As they stood in front of me, I could feel my blood run cold and my heart beating out of my chest.
"We're gonna make this experience a lot more quiet." He walked up to me grabbing the back of my head, shoving what felt like a sock in my mouth and duck tapping my mouth closed.
I looked up to him with tears in my eyes. I hated him so much. And I cannot wait until this ends.
He smirked. "Honestly, I have no use for you, love. I thought I needed you for mental stability but I don't. Now, I don't care if you die, I will miss certain aspects about you, but like I said if I can't have you, no one can. And that includes August."
As he began to walk away, the men stalked me, watching my every move. Once Peter snapped his fingers, they attacked.

I Do. (August Alsina)
RomanceSarah Marshall. A 21 year old, single mother. Five years ago, at the age of 16, she was brutally beaten and raped by her ex Raymond Brown. He impregnated her and left her to die. Nine months later after the incident, she birthed a beautiful baby boy...