I Do, 40

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Peter Jones.

"Where are they headed?" I asked, trying to conceal my anger.

"They went to Barbados, sir."

"Where at in Barbados?" I asked.

"The Crane Resort, sir."

I took a deep breath as my leg began to bounce fast. "Y'all let that nigga take my bitch?"

"N-no. They haven't left yet, sir. Their flight leaves at 1:30." He stuttered.

I crack my knuckles, standing up slowly. I walked over to the clock that was posted on the wall. I took it off the wall and looked at it.

"Isaiah, what time do you think it is?"

"I-I would g-guess 10 o'clock, sir. That's t-the time I got the information on them."

"It's already 1:30, Isaiah." I turned around to face him, before throwing the clock at his face. "Look at me!"

"Shit!" He yelled, lifting his head up.

"I told you to make sure she doesn't board that damn plane and look what happened. She boarded that fucking plane. This is why I gotta do dirt myself."

He held his head back, pinching his nose so the blood doesn't drip on his clothes and my floor.

"I'm sorry, man. I won't let it happen no more. I promise."

"I know you won't. Leave before I off yo retarded ass." I said, balling my fist up.

He hurried out the room with a scared look on his face. I sat down in my chair, feeling pissed off.

I inhaled then quickly exhaled. Everyone around me was failing at simple tasks that I appointed them.

First, my mother just couldn't set up a stupid fucking brunch with Sarah's naive ass and that should've been the easiest task to do.

Isaiah couldn't just keep track of time. Now it's up to me to get her.

I didn't wanna get my hands dirty too much, but hell people already know what kind of man I am.

I get what I want and if I can't have what I want. No one can and I'll make sure of it.

I pressed that buzzer, calling in Angel.

"Yes, daddy?"

"Wanna go to Barbados?"

She smirked. "Of course."

"Pack a bag, now. We need to hurry up and leave."

"What's in Barbados, baby?"


"And Sarah?"

"Maybe." I said, rubbing my chin.

She nodded, smirking. "When are you gonna let me taste her like you let me do your ex wife?"

I got out my chair, grabbing her by the throat. "Don't bring her up. Do you understand?"

I began to choke her, watching her lips curl up into a big smile. I let her go, sighing.

I forgot what I turned this crazy bitch into.

"Did you forget who I was, baby? I love getting choked and slapped. Hell, I'd love getting stabbed if it was you doing it to me." She said, licking her lips.

I backed away slowly, eyeing her. I remember how naive and scared she use to be when we met. She did everything I said, no hesitation and no back talk.

I Do. (August Alsina)Where stories live. Discover now