Sarah Marshall.
"Well," one of the child services investigators spoke. "We looked around the house and there were minor things that need to be handled. Cleaning products need to be locked away as well as your kitchen knives. But other than than we don't deem you or your home as a danger to Christian Marshall."
As soon as those words left her mouth, I broke down literally praising God. I don't know what I would've done if they would've took Christian. I need my baby back.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you so much." I said shaking their hands, with tears falling down my face.
"No problem. We have to go and report out investigation to our boss and we'll send an email to the Child Protective Services of Atlanta and we'll have Christian back before noon." She said, before her and her partner walked out.
I stood there crying. I'm literally overjoyed to have my baby back home with me. Throughout this week, it took a toll on both of us and to know that he'll be coming back is just so overwhelming.
Now I don't have to stress and worry about what Chris got my baby eating, doing, or even what time my baby's going to sleep.
I grab my phone and dialed August's number. I waited anxiously for him to answer. After two rings, the call was declined. I frown, calling again and again, but every time I called, he declines it.
I sighed, shaking my head. I know August is still kind of upset that I told him what went down years ago with Chris and I, but he shouldn't. That little experience was waaaaayyy before I even met August. But then again, men hate when their "boys" know how their woman is sexually.
I just honestly want my best friend back.
Instead of leaving a voicemail, I just send him a text.
To: August💚, Hey August, I know you're probably still upset, but I have great news. Christian's coming back home today.
Sent at 10:37 a.mI stare at the message for a minute before clicking out of my messages. I sigh, calling Chris' phone. And unlike August, Chris answers the phone.
"WHAT UP, LIL NIGGA?" He yelled.
"Christopher Maurice Brown, shut up yelling and do not call me an n-word. But, great news." I said.
"Christian goin' back home today?"
"Yep. The investigators said they didn't deem me a danger to Christian and said he can come back home today. I'm so excited," I said, smiling at the thought of bringing my baby back home.
"That's what's up. What else they say?"
"Not much. They basically said there's certain things that stand out like knives and cleaning products that need to be put up. They also said that they were going to contact their boss to notify him or her that the search came back okay." I explained.
I still couldn't grasp the thought of Christian coming back. Though, it's been five and a half days, I love seeing him everyday and having him with me and around me. I love him so much that a day without him hurts me to the core.
"That's what up, man. He miss you a lot, you know. I forgot to tell you yesterday, but he was goin' crazy when you left. Crying, yelling, throwing a whole ass fit. Lil nigga fucked around and knocked over my lamp."
I gasped. "I'll replace it. I'm really sorry."
"It's aight. He missed you, so it's cool. I gotta call you back, this nigga just woke up." Chris said, making me clench my jaw.

I Do. (August Alsina)
RomanceSarah Marshall. A 21 year old, single mother. Five years ago, at the age of 16, she was brutally beaten and raped by her ex Raymond Brown. He impregnated her and left her to die. Nine months later after the incident, she birthed a beautiful baby boy...