Chapter 3: A U T H O R I T Y

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[power or right to act or command; power derived from opinion, respect, or reputation and/or influence]

I trapped the cigarette into my lips. I couldn't light it as much as I wanted to. I wasn't sure if my father would be here tonight to check around. I wasn't going to risk him seeing me smoking. Even touching the stick against my lips was enough for me at the moment.

I looked at the monitor watching everything going on. With Steph as Commissioner, she was more than ordered to always be outside. Which meant, I get to have my own office. I get to watch everything going on around my company. I get to know who was plotting against me or my family.

"Grandpa needs to see you like this, Mom." I turned to Reid in question. A huge grin on his face as he sprawled lazily on the couch as he threw a rubber ball in the air to kill time. He may be Randy Savage's son, but thinking back he was just like me—or Steph, before the power and money got right into her brain and destroyed her.

"We're opening RAW tonight, you know." I reminded placing the stick back into the inside of my desk. "So not having your suit all creased would be appreciated, Reid." I reminded standing up and walking towards the full length mirror to check on myself.

I had on a red pantsuit and my hair in an immaculate bun to boot. I continued on with having make-up crew put on the reddest lipstick they had. They said Eva Marie was the Queen of Red, well they haven't seen me yet.

"You look good, Mom." I felt Reid behind me his chin resting on top of my head. This was the disadvantage of being small and him freakishly tall. "No one's going to think otherwise." He smirked hugging me.

I nodded. I didn't need to worry much about my looks. I knew I was beautiful. I got the body, the face, and the attitude to complete me. I don't need anything else to get in my way of what I want.

"Let's go?" I asked with a smile.

"We shall." He smirked as I hooked my arm around his own.

We got out of my office and made our way towards the curtain where I saw Stephanie attempting to get out but I had held her off. She couldn't move knowing Reid was with me. She can't be a bitch to her son. I smiled instructing the sound technician to start my music.

Being someone in power and money meant I had my own music. I always loved Lorde, so that's how it ended up me having her song, Everybody Wants to Rule the World be my entrance song. I smiled getting out with Reid.

Everyone was once again having mix reaction when it comes to me. Some booing some cheering. I know what that meant. I still haven't proven myself from them, not that I'd want to. But it is a must, if I wanted to spite my siblings. We walked towards the ring with a smile on our faces. We owned this place and we weren't afraid to show it.

Once I had climbed the steel steps, Reid made sure to open the ropes for me so I could enter easier. I smiled at my son. I had thought him manners very well. I climbed in and asked for the timekeeper to hand me a microphone.

"Thank you." I smiled into the microphone walking into the middle of the ring. Reid choosing to lean lazily on one of the turnbuckle. A pout on his face all throughout. I smiled affectionately at my son before turning to everyone's attention.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to Monday Night RAW!" I screamed at the top of my lungs earning a huge pop from the crowd. "Please let me introduce my son, the heir to my throne. Reid McMahon." I smiled acknowledging my son with a grin. "Isn't he Savagely Adorable?" I asked and Reid bursts out laughing as he shook his head at the hidden meaning of my words.

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