Chapter 15: A M O R I S T

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DeviantSmiler lol hahaha.. dedicated for you just because... XD

[a lover; one given to amour or intrigue]

"So exactly where did you go?" Reid asked as he opened the door to Seth's place.

Somehow, the two hours that I was gone, he almost feels like at home. I walked inside to see the cause. All four of them playing video games. Boys.

"I had to handle some business and those friends." I said knowingly as I joined the boys in the living room. I continued watching all four of them playing Call of Duty. The three still seemed to be unfazed or haven't realized that I was here.

I merely continued watching the four play. It's ironic to think all of them enjoying especially with Seth selling out on Roman and Dean, and let's not forget about Reid practically hating Ambrose's guts after what he did to me. They all seemed to enjoy each other's company for some reason.

I actually laughed when Dean and Seth continued bickering after losing to each other. It was only now did the three realize my presence in the room.

"Oh don't mind me." I smirked. "I'm enjoying watching you actually act civil for once."

I caught sight of the damage Dean and even Roman had done to Seth's face. A busted lips, a swollen left eye, and several bumps and scratches. I'm not so sure about his body but judging from his face, the two let out all their anger and frustration out.

"So, where did you head off to?" Dean asked. The game was now ignored much as Reid was calling for him for back-up.

"Somewhere." I shrugged.

"Aren't you specific?" He said sarcastically.

"Got something to eat here, Rollins?" I asked instead.

"Pizza is in the kitchen. Beer is in the fridge." He muttered as his eyes was still glued to the game.

I rolled my eyes as I stood and made my way to the kitchen. Seeing a tower of Pizza boxes on the countertop, I smiled. I looked back at the boys still busy with the game. I slipped off my heels and sat on the countertop as I begin to enjoy the pizza.

My eyes closed savoring the taste of the still hot slice of Pepperoni pizza. I hopped down and snatched a can of beer from the fridge. Returning to my former spot in the countertop, I continued on filling my stomach with food.

My meeting with Balor continued on with me getting to know the man. He was actually a completely dedicated man in his career. I don't want Steph or Shane to waste such talent. I'll be damned before she let that happen. I'd be damned if she'd used the roster for her own gain.

"Squeezing the pizza wouldn't help you with whatever made you angry, you know." I lifted my gaze to see Rollins with a shy smile. I looked back down at my hand, crushing the poor pizza.

I eased my grip before eating the rest of the pizza—crust included.

"How's the whole amends doing?" I asked as he walked towards the freezer to take an icepack.

"I'm under observation." He muttered placing the pack onto his left cheek. "But after the hell of a beating I got, I think I'm on their good side." He added.

I smirked. At least it was a start.

"You have a long way ahead of you, Seth." I said. "But I think you're making a good start." I smiled reassuring him.

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