Chapter 16: D O M E S T I C

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[pertaining to the house or household affairs; private]

I woke up with my hips killing me. I didn't know how long I've slept but judging from the numerous round I had with Ambrose last night up to the early morning, I was saying it was just a couple of hours.

I turned to my side to see him still asleep besides me.

I stood up much to the protest of everything in my lower body. I slipped on my oversized shirt that hid the fact that I was bottomless. Thanks to Dean for ruining yet another pair of expensive underwear of mine.

I walked back to my shared room with Reid to see my son still passed out. Thank God for Call of Duty and Beer for that. I quietly slipped on some new underwear and put on my leggings before heading down for breakfast.

I was greeted with the smell of coffee and pancakes. My stomach immediately growling at me from all the energy I've spent with Ambrose. I walked to the kitchen to see Roman on the stove cooking while Seth was on the countertop with coffee besides him while he read a newspaper.

"You know I always loved Roreigns better than Ambreigns or Ambrollins." I pointed out surprising the two.

I giggled getting myself a cup of coffee from the coffee maker and joining Seth on the countertop. I don't know what's with the countertop but it was more comfortable than being in the dining table from some reason.

"So are we going to talk about the plan then?" Roman asked.

"Once Reid is awake." I yawned as I sipped the coffee.

"What about Dean?" Seth asked.

"It's too early for him to annoy me." I grunted. "Besides, I know for a fact that whatever I have planned, he won't be following since he has his own plan under his fucking sleeves." I muttered.

"You continue to offend me, Doll." His morning voice made the hairs on the back of my neck stand. Fuck, not again.

"Aren't you already offending by just having me look at you?" I narrowed my eyes at him. I was pissed at him for that much round we had. He didn't stop when I told him I couldn't take it anymore or that fact that we ran out of condoms. He was a beast in the bed and my sore cunt was evidence of it.

He smirked getting himself his own cup of coffee. Somehow snatching a mug on one of the cupboard like he already knows the place.

"You seem to know your way around his place." I inquired.

"Because we do." He shrugged. "Before everything had happened. We usually stayed in each other's house. Florida, Iowa, Ohio, or even Nevada." He said facing me as he took a sip of his own piping hot coffee.

I felt so uncomfortable with his gaze at me. It only made me remember last night.

"Before I forget," Seth placed down his newspaper eyeing the both of us scolding. "Who the hell left their cigarette stub in the backyard?"

"Why are you looking at us?" I asked faking offence knowing very well that we must have forgotten about it since we were both 'pre-occupied'.

"Well as far as I know, you, Dean, and Reid are the only one smoking in this house. As much as you're my boss." He pointed at me before turning his eyes to Dean. "And as much as I'm making it up to you" he glared. "I don't fucking like you leave behind cigarette stubs that Kevin or Tanya might accidentally eat."

"Whose Kevin and Tanya?" I asked.

"His dog and cat." Roman filled in, he place a plate of eggs, bacon, and toasted bread on my lap. He gave me a smile before continuing on with cooking.

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