Chapter 19: S A F E T Y

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[freedom from danger, injury, or damage; safe keeping]

"You would throw away all your plans, just like that?" his tone wasn't anger, but was laced with disbelief and panic.

"If I need to." I said swallowing the lump on my throat. "I was careless when I had thought Steph wouldn't throw all of her action all at the same time. If I think that you or your boys would fuck up or screw me over, I'll throw it all away. I'm going to throw it all out without a fucking hesitation." I said looking straight into his eyes.

A smirk formed on his face before he shoved me right into the wall. My back landing painfully on the cold hard wall behind me. I glared at him, but it immediately disappeared seeing the insanity manifest in his eyes.

"Go fucking ahead." He challenged. "I dare you." He said through gritted teeth. "The SHIELD is back together with or without you."

I stared at him.

"When I throw away all my plans, the championship title wrapped around all your waists come along with me." I spat just to anger him more.

His eyes widen before his hand immediately wrapped around my neck. All the air to my lungs was disconnected, as he strangled me. I winced but didn't move or try to struggle.

"Haven't I told you before..." he whispered leaning his face dangerously close to my own. "I work my ass off for that championship title. And I'm not going to let anyone steal that away from me, especially not you Princess." He growled his grip on my neck tighten dangerously.

I was losing consciousness but I still refused getting scared. One thing was getting scared at Morrison, but it was a whole other thing being scared of Ambrose.

"T-Then...get y-your fucking...a-act together!" I ordered gasping for air. I was seeing black spots in my vision now.

"I told you, Princess." He smirked. "I don't follow orders." He spat letting me go and before I could get a good breath out of me, he backhanded me before leaving my apartment.

I licked my lips, tasting the already familiar metallic blood from Ambrose's assault. Yeah, I was definitely regretting that night with him.

"What happen to your mouth?" Reid asked me the moment I walked into the house of Roman Reigns.

Turns out, it wasn't just a small wound, but a complete busted lips for me again thanks to Dean Ambrose. I wasn't going to tell Reid about that. I'll get my own revenge on Ambrose in the near future. I just needed to handle tomorrow's show and the surprise I had in store.

"I fell down." I lied immediately walking inside to meet Galina and Jojo.

A smile was on my face as I hugged the seven year old. It sent a familiarity in my body. It sent the motherly love I had. It made me thinking about the 'what could have been' in my past.

"I'll got get you some ice for that." Galina smiled.

I thanked her as I made my way inside to see the three all talking seriously. My eyes wondered venomously to the smirking Ambrose for a moment.

I focused back on Jojo with a smile. I couldn't stop myself from carrying the girl. My own baby would have been over eight years old by now. Would my baby be a girl or a boy? Would he look like me or John? Those were some of the question swimming my mind that I could never know the answer to.

"Joe, can I keep here?" I asked Roman with a smile as Jojo looked at me in interest. I realized something, she shared a name with Reid's girlfriend, Jojo.

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