Chapter 18: M A N I P U L A T E

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[to operate or work by means of hands; falsify]

"Why was he here?" Reid questioned the moment I got out of the curtains with Roman and Dean supporting my body.

"That's part of Steph's plan." I grunted pulling away from the two men over towering me.

I winced feeling everything in my body numb. My mind was in a constant scramble after my encounter with Morrison. My body was raging for me to be just still but I can, especially when all I wanted to do was cry my lungs out.

"Reid I want you to keep an eye around here for a while." I requested.

"Where are you going?" his eyes widen in question.

"I just need a few weeks off." I said. I didn't want to be in the same place as that man right now. It just brought back all the bad memories I thought I was ready to face. "I want you to handle everything while I'm gone."

"I can't do that!" Reid protested looking at me in question. Panic rose from his features.

I hugged him. I trust him and his judgment more than anything. Besides, I knew well enough that Steph and Shane couldn't hurt him.

"You can and you will, Sweetie." I assured him before looking at three men. "I give my trust to all three of you to keep my son safe while I'm gone."

All three of them nodded.

"So where does Morrison and Omega go?" Seth asked.

I looked at Dean. I think he could handle them. I knew he was out for blood so I'm giving him blood.

"Smackdown Live." I answered.

I wrapped the duvet closer to my body as I continued watching Supernatural. It had been over two weeks now since I took the time off. Only appearing in Stamford for Board meetings that needed my attention. I refused going to the arenas, I had even refused watching WWE. Everything just felt so wrong.

I closed my eyes and all I see was him. I thought I was over him but I knew he was the obstacle in this plan of mine. I knew Steph knows this. Leaving for this few weeks proves what she thinks. I was still affected by John Morrison.

Opening my eyes back, I continued on watching the series. I knew I needed to get something done. I had almost finished all the episodes from the very first season up to the latest. But I just wasn't feeling any of it.

In times like this, I just wished I was back to my old life. Before Morrison. When it was just me and Reid going against the world.

I finally decided I'd give it another few days before I return to RAW. All the bruises and scratches may have finally healed but my mind was a different story. It was something that needed time, but not enough time to not appear in WWE once again.

I decided being in bed a little longer was too much as it was. I immediately took a bath, put on some decent clothes, and headed to the Performance Center to meet the final part of my plan for now.

My drive to WWE Performance Center was short. I knew staying in my apartment here in Orlando was best. No one knew I was here, not Reid, not Dad, not any of my Siblings, and I'm damn sure not even Ambrose.

The familiar center brought back memories for me. This was the child of Hunter, my brother-in-law. Everyone looks up on him especially the NXT kids. He cares for the roster more than anyone else in this industry, more than I ever could. To everyone, Paul Levesque, or who we better knew as Triple H, just weaseled his position from marrying my bitch of a sister. What they didn't know was Steph was the lucky one in this marriage. All of evolution WWE had was all thanks to him. No one else.

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