Chapter 12: M E M O R I E S

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[that faculty of the mind by which it retains the knowledge of previous occurrences, facts, thoughts, etc., and recalls them; that which is remembered]


I walked into the isolated stark white hallways. My heart was pumping fast. I was nervous about being here. I wasn't even sure they would allow me to do this. But I knew I had to. I can't abandon family like that.

"Ms. McMahon." A petite blonde called for me halting me from my destination. I think she was one of the volunteers of the Foster Home.

I smiled at her. I looked down at her named tag. Her name was Vicky.

"Is he here?" I asked.

She nodded hesitantly as she guided me to another room. Inside was a child, playing with Lego. My heart clench for him. He looked like a child seven years old, even when he was a little over ten. I pained knowing that I should have been here sooner for him. Not like this.

"The Foster Home had named him Marcus." Vicky said to me.

I nodded feeling mad at Steph. She could barely even give the time to name her own son. How could she do this? To her own son of all people. I shook my head waving away at the anger I was feeling for Steph. I don't want to think about her right now. I needed to focus on my nephew.

"Can I talk to him?" I asked my voice cracking in the tears trying to fall.

She nodded. "I'll give you time on your own." She said leaving the room for me to talk to him privately.

I walked closer to him. Every step held with the happiness of seeing him. I fell in love with him as a son. My decision growing firmer and firmer as I walked closer to him.

"Marcus?" I called him as I sat down beside him on the cold white tiled floor.

He looked back at me and I was in shock at his eyes. They were so much like Steph's. I tensed. It was like I was looking at her right now. Her eyes and the features of the man that I had considered as my idol at the time. How could they betray all of us like this? How could they do this to a child like him?

"I'm Sonya Kate." I introduced.

"Marcus." He muttered as his eyes turned back to his toy.

I stared at him. Watched him in his every movement. He was frail for his age. My heart clenched seeing him up close and personal.

"What do you like doing, Marcus?" I asked.

"Blocks..." he muttered. "Wrestling." He said after a moment. His entire mood had brighten at the mention of it.

A smile spilled from my lips at the mention of wrestling.

"Who are your favorites?" I asked.

"John Cena and Randy Orton." He said turning to face me now.

A huge grin couldn't leave my lips at the mention of my friends.

"Do you wanna watch them tonight?" I asked. "I think I could have them meet us tonight if you want to?"

His eyes widen with his mouth open in shock. All of a sudden he came closer to me as if waiting at my every word.

"Really, you'd do that for me?" his lips growing wider in a smile.

"I'll do everything for you, Sweetie." I promised him.

He stared at me for a moment, it was as if an idea had popped into his mind. I was just hoping it was something I could actually answer.

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