Shrek cult

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On a warm Sunday morning Jimbles was flying his jet pack around future Glasgow.
It had been only two weeks since he settled here and he had found the place quite enjoyable, the only hassles were bribing the locals to not attack him and the spotty internet connection.
Jimbles tired of the Sunday morning, he flew to the portal and activated it so he would enter a random location.
He found himself in a forest in Montana, he flew around until he saw a group of people dressed in green clothes praying to a fiberglass statue of Shrek.
Jimbles was familiar with the followers of shrek, he found them pathetic. He decided to annoy this shrek cult.
Jimbles flew above them and shouted curses until they noticed him. He then said
"Shrek is being movie character, God he not. You are doing retardation!"
"A drecker!" Shouted the cult elder, who was a 30 year old man who works for Walmart.
They tried throwing stones and sticks at jimbles while chanting "shrek is love, shrek is life.", but he was too high for them to reach, and too fast. Jimbles retaliated by dropping a small sarin gas grenade on them.
While he waited for them to die he pissed on their shrek statue.
When they were all dead he flung them into the portal with the tractor beam gun, like that australopithecus incident. He would use their organs for experiments.
Jimbles went into the portal.

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