Chapter 16

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John walked down to the McCartney's residence, but suddenly was stopped by Johnny.

"Wait, uh, John. How old is this, Paul?" Johnny asked.

"He's 10. Why?"

"But im 12!"


"But don't you see? He's a baby!"

"10 is not a baby, Johnny." John rolled his eyes.

"Hes to young to play with me."

"2 years, thats all."

"Still thats young."

"No! You'll like him. Come ed." John grabbed Johnny's hand and dragged him up to the door.

"I still don't like this."

"Johnny, i understand how you want to act, you just cant act like that all the time."

The door was answered by Mrs. McCartney, who smiled at John. 

"Hello John, who's this? Your cousin, nephew..."

"Uh, a friend." John grinned.

"He looks so much like you though."

"Yeah, i just thought him and Paul would like to play."

"Oh, sure. Let me get him. He's probably sleeping." She left. "Oh come in please!" She called from upstairs.

"Come ed John."

"Okay, i still don't like this."

"You'll like him."

Johnny sighed and sat on the couch. He looked around at the tiny house. 

"Are they poor?"

"Yeah, like you."

"Im not poor."

"Well, it just doesn't seem like that."

"Hm." Johnny shrugged and looked in front of him.

Mary came downstairs with a sleepy looking Paul. 

"Ill be in the kitchen, alright?" Mary smiled and left them.

"Hey John!" Paul smiled and gave John a hug. "Im so glad your out!"

"Me too. Paul, this is Johnny, Johnny you remember Paul."

"Of course. Wait, no?" He looked confused.

"Does he still think" Paul asked.


Johnny looked at them. "Im not stupid."

"I never said you were. Just your the only one who has said that." John put a hand on his shoulder.

Johnny looked at him a bit confused then looked at Paul. "So why don't you act like one?"

"One what?" Paul's head turned.

"Your age."

"Uh, i do actually. I just can talk like im intelligent." Paul tried to stand a bit tall.

"Show off." John muttered with a smile.

Paul slapped his knee. "Well, what do you want?"

"Just thought you two could meet earlier."

"That doesn't do much in the little Paul's body."

"Yeah but Johnny gets to meet you sooner."

"John, when are your friends coming?" Mary poked her head out of the kitchen.

"Um...i can call them."

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