Chapter 2

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As shock filled my eyes Arthur responded "Did they say their name? "
-----------------------------------End of flashback --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

"No! They did not. They only informed us that it was urgent." The servant exclaimed.

Before Arthur could give an official response the room fell quiet allowing me a chance to process the situation. But at last as quickly as the silence came the quicker it went away."Alright let's go."said Arthur as the servant bowed and exited the room.

My mind as dumbfounded as ever as I try to contemplate the series of events that had just taken place. Filled with every worried thought that you could think of. From this is bad to what if It's the knights of Arathiel?.As if on cue I was snapped out of my thoughts by king prat himself."Merlin!" He yelled. Looking up at him I saw that his face was embedded with scarce and worried emotions."Seriously Merlin, are you alright?"He questioned.

With clear annoyance in my tone of voice I replied." Yes! I am sire. Now shouldn't we get to our guests?"Arthur nodded still in a worry able state as he  led the way towards the Council Chambers. As we made our way towards the front, I stood behind Arthur exchanging curious glances at gaius.

"Send them in!"

As instructed the Camelotian guards opened the council doors. I knew this wasn't going to end well. They walked in draped with the signature Arathiel Knight attire. Gold and Blue crest rested on the left side of their navy blue capes. While their sword hung onto the sides. The gold armor shining as the men walked down the center of the chambers. The five faces of the knights I only recognized as Sir Hunter,Sir Devin,Sir Charles,Sir Nathan and Sir Neil. These men were Arathiel's best knights as well as my five closest friends.

As the came to a halt, Arthur spoke."Who are you and What is your purpose here in Camelot?" He questioned.

" I am Sir Hunter and these are Sirs, Charles ,Nathan ,Neil and Devin."Hunter explains as he gestured to the others."We are the knights of the kingdom of Arathiel."He explained.

I couldn't help but be proud of how well they spoke so proud of where they came from. With a brief period of silence Sir Charles broke it.

" Eight years ago today our beloved kingdom was betrayed by our kings brother,the prince's uncle, Sir James." Merlin cringed the mention of his uncle's name. "It was a day like today, the weather was nice and sunny.The knights and I had decided to take the prince for a ride around the Kingdom's meadow as a birthday gift,When we came back everything was in chaos. We all hustled back to the citadel helping those out of the way as we hurried to help our king.We were instead ordered to get the prince and his younger brother and the Queen out of the kingdom and into safety,but there was some complications.-" Merlin smirked at the thought of the memory.

"What kind of complications?" Arthur asked Charles out of curiosity.

"Our eldest prince was the type of person to put his life on the line without a second thought when it came to saving his people,friends and family.So we had him cidated.Once getting them all out I took the youngest prince with me to a near by village.While the queen and the eldest went into hiding until a year ago.She recently came out of hiding to aid the youngest prince. Prince Samuel to find our eldest prince and get back our kingdom."

"What happened to your King,Shouldn't he be here with you?"Arthur questioned.

As their heads as well as my own fell in sorrow as Hunter was the first to speak. "We had recieved word from our queen that our king, King Balinor-"

"Balinor was your king?" asked arthur as the knights nodded.

"I will help you find your lost prince and take back your kingdom,We ride at noon!" Arthur replied as he stood up from his throne and took a stand next to the Arathiel Knights.As he shook their hands Nathan spoke.

"Sire,given who your father is maybe you should sleep on it.Arathiel isn't your average run of the mill kingdom."

As Nathan spoke I saw a very confused and perplexed Arthur trying to wrap his head around what Nathan had meant. As nathan continued Arthur's eyes began to grow wide as if he was now battling with his brain for the right answer." Our Kingdom is a Kingdom of magic."

It took a few moments for arthur to finally speak and when he did I couldn't believe what I was witnessing and hearing with my own two ears."I am NOT my father and besides,I owe your king my life and right now this is the way to do it. We ride in one hour from now.My servent Merlin will take you to your quarters until departure, if you need anything ask him."

  As I step out of the shadows to direct my friends to their chambers, they stare at me in awe and relief as if a town was just lifted up from their bodies. Without a word I stood there and with a small smile I slowly led them out of the council chambers. "This way,if you please."I spoke.

  As we arrived at their chambers I dropped the servant's act and spoke. "You know a bunch of knights,who misses their future King,I'm deeply offended that you haven't uttered a word since you've seen me.Is something the matter?"I questioned in curiousity.

 "Merlin!"They shouted.

"The one and only." I bowed and faced them laughing as they tackled me into a breath taking hug. Literally! "C-an't...Br-ea-th-e!" I choked up.Releasing me from their grasp they apologized.

 "How's everything?"I questioned, knowing full well what was probably happening .

"Sir-Merlin"Neil spoke but then stopped himself when he realized what he was about to say. "The whole kingdom is in chaos under your uncle's rule.Your mother and your brother had gathered all the Arathieans and hid them deep within the Woods of Atheil.That's where they're making plans to take back the kingdom but we can't do it alone."

"Thanks for the update,now get some rest we depart in forty-five mins.The king will send word when we're ready to depart."With a final nod I walked out of their chambers and went to prepare for the trip.

After a few minutes of preparing I went and took a nice bath and dressed myself accordingly.Gathering my spell book,I tossed it within my bag and grapped my seal and neckerchief.As I took a few minutes to look at my seal one last time, I tied it around my neck and tucked it under my neckerchief.Hidden in plain site.Finally leaving my chambers I woke up arthur.After saying our goodbye's to Gaius and Gwen we took off riding east of camelot's boarders and onto Arathiel.

' I'm coming my people,If it isn't the last thing I do.I will get back Our Kingdom!'


Srry for the late update anyways i will be updating this every Sunday night ,Monday the latest.

So they're on their way to Arathiel. I wonder if arthur and the others will find out dear old Merlin's plans??


Who starts school on Thursday??


And give me some opinions guys of what you guys think will happen in the next chapter.

 Fefe out😊😘


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