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Normal POV

It's been three months since the battle between us, James  and his entire army. Merlin woke up two months ago from his mini coma. It wasn't easy just sitting there waiting for him to wake up, but he did so she wasn't  complaining.

Believe it or not if didn't wake up in would of probably put her own self in a coma.

Morgana's thoughts were interrupted as someone walked into her room. They were all still in Camelot and were set to leave a month ago when merlin had recovered. But things changed.

Morgana smiled as Alise was now in full view. Alise was decked out from head to toe. She wore a ankle length light lavender dress, that was draped with gold waist beads. To top it off she wore her gold bejeweled tiara a upon her head. She smiled at her in awe as she stood up to greet her. Morgana and the young princess had gotten a lot closer and Morgana was thrilled, and in only a few minutes they were going to become sister-in-laws.

As Morgana stood up, her pure laced silk white wedding dress dropped to the floor. The dress was laced from it's sleeves to the bottom edges of it. ( The second picture is in the comments. ) The silver laced around her body as it hugged her hips. It was a simple pure white silk laced dress, but it shined so bright that you would think it was actually diamonds.

" You look so beautiful!" Morgana told her sister-in-law to be.

Alise smiled back as she admired morgana's wedding dress. " And that dress looks gorgeous on you."

Morgana nodded a simple thank you, but didn't miss the scared and unsurpassed wary in alise's voice. " What's wrong?" She asked, tilting her head.

Alise shook her head. She couldn't do it. Even though she had already told Morgana about it only a few months ago, she still couldn't do it. After all it was their wedding day, the happiest day of their lives and she couldn't ruin that. Deciding that telling them tomorrow was her best bet.

" Nothing, I'm just so happy that I won't be the only girl chilling my family." Alise laughed.

" That's right, now help me finish getting ready the ceremony  is about to start in a few minutes." Morgana reassured her.

Merlin and Arthur stood in front of the citadel, merlin helping Arthur fix his tie. It's funny how merlin is the one getting married, but Arthur is the one that needs help with his tie. That's how it went for the two of them, Arthur  could always count on merlin to be there for him and vise versa. The two was really 'Two sides of one coin' .

Saying merlin was an understatement. The lad was moving around so much that it was a wonder how Arthur was able to finish fixing his tie. Above all merlin was happy. He wasn't  thinking about James, Dorgin, Camelot, or Aratheial, it was just thoughts of today, tomorrow  but mostly this very moment. The very moment that he would cherish his entire life. Not only the moment but also his bride to be....Morgana.

" I'm happy for you mate." Said Arthur as he hugged him.

" Careful Arthur, or I might think that you actually care about me." Merlin joked.

Arthur laughed. " Tell anyone and I'll completely deny it."

Putting his hand up in surrender, merlin chuckled. "Thanks arthur." Arthur looks up at merlin's sudden comment in confusion." For everything epically after everything that has happened."

Arthur smiled " Idiot." with that simple response they made their way to the throne room, where the ceremony was being held.

The wedding began as everyone all raised to watch as the bride finally entired the room. Merlin and Morgana's eyes met each other.  It was as if it was there very first meeting. He couldn't move his eyes from hers, as she made her way to him.

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