Chapter 16

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Merlin's POV

I opened the what seemed like a bolted door and found nothing but a bunch of stairs going up. As Arthur and I went ahead I couldn't help but got the idea that I've been here before. Shaking my head we continued to follow the emerald.

"Is everything alright Merlin?" Arthur questioned.

"Yeah, It's just..... I can't help but feel like I've been up here before." I explained to him.

When we finally landed at the top the emerald had stopped in the middle of the room. Still glowing , I started to look around the room. It was empty all that rested was a casket in the middle of the room and a picture frame by the last window at the end of the room." What is that?" He asked. I just shrugged as I picked it up. The necklace miraculously found it's way over to me as if it was shining it's light for me to see.

The picture frame held a picture of me, Samuel, my father, mother it looked around the time Samuel was just four summers and I six; but what caught my eyes was that of one other person. My mother held a child no older than two summers in her hand. My eyes went wide in shock when I read what it said at the bottom. 'The Aanwen Family Portrait. Princess Alise Dilyn Aanwen's second birthday.'

The frame fell from my hands in fear and confusion. Why would the emerald want me to see this? Why didn't they tell me about her? Questions roamed my mind as Arthur caught my attention." What's wrong ?" He asked.

Shaking away the rambling in my head I replied. "Nothing! Let's go." I said pulling him down the stairs and through the bolted door.

What is going on right now?I don't remember having a sister?What the hell?

My thoughts was overwhelmed with questions beyond compare until we came upon the throne room. The doors were enriched in gold tiles with our family saying engraved at the center of two dragons. 'Our Roars are Louder together than Our Claws destruction alone' 

I smiled as I read it. It was a saying that many Aratheians grew up on. Pushing the doors open as Arthur and I readied ourselves for battle.

We walked in looking for James. He stood on the throne conceited and unruly as ever. "How is Samuel recovering?" He asked.

"Wouldn't you like to know." I sneered.

He shrugged as he got off my throne and walked over to me. Arthur leapt in front of me, stopping him from coming any further. He laughed at Arthur. "Merlin I believe this is between me and you. So why don't we Finish this!" He said pushing Arthur to the said and drawing his sword. Quick to my feet I blocked his sword as we pushed apart.

"Your right." I said.

Clang! Clang! Our swords hit there one another each time we both used more force than our last. He was good....But I was better.

Pushing away James I used that time to check on Arthur. "You alright?"

"Yes, I'm fine." He replied getting up from off the floor. "You know Merlin he can't fight us all at once." He winked.

He was right if Arthur can hold him off when I give him the signal then maybe just maybe I can end this battle a little faster than scheduled. " Here's the plan...." I smirked.

Arthur's POV

After Merlin explained the plan to me in mere minutes James continued to attack him.

"Læf  mæţì!" I heard James yelled.

Merlin was left flying across the room. " Merlin!" I shouted as James footed himself while aiming the sword at his throat.

"You know you've been a real pain in my rare end Merlin." He as a matter of factly.

"Glad to be of service then" merlin sneered. You can always leave it to Merlin to 'lighten' the mood when on the verge of death.

"At least you was a better challenge than that brat of a girl. Alise." James smirked.

I saw all life go out of Merlin's face as he answered back to James. "What did you do?"he asked.

This wasn't like Merlin the only time I've seen him like this was when he fought James only a few days ago. And that wouldn't of turn out so good considering that it was about his brother. "Oh nothing actually I just put her into a coma and wiped your's and your brother's memory of  her." James replied pushing the sword further.

" Merlin Don't!" I yelled.
But of course I was to late. "Æłquif!" He shouted.

James was hit with whatever spell Merlin used. He was flown to the other side of the room and threw the window." Arthur meet me in the quad. Now!" He shouted as he took off after james.

Since when could he boss me around. The last time I checked I was king not him. 'Well technically this is his kingdom. So let's face it he Owns you with a capital O.' My subconscious wavered as I fled the castle walls.

Great now my own mind is going against me.

Upon entering the quad I saw all of James men knocked out on the concreted pebbled ground. I was amazed. I was pretty sure that we was only here for about fifteen minutes so the fact that they defeated them in a mere fifteen minutes is pretty impressive. Following there gazes to the sky, I saw the collision between James and Merlin as I pushed forward to the front where I saw Morgana Samuel and the rest of the knights all watching the fight.

"This is bad." I heard Samuel say to Morgana. Removing my gaze from the skies. I turned it towards the two. The knights joining me afterwards.

"Why is this bad?" I asked.

"It's bad because James wants Merlin to use his full powers." Samuel explained.

"I thought that was Merlin's full power." Gwaine questioned.

"It's not." Morgana responded." If Merlin uses his full power it will destroy Arathrial and everyone in it."

Our eyes went wide. James wanted his own nephew to get rid of his own kingdom. This reminded me of when Agrabain ( don't remember how to spell his name) betrayed me.

My thoughts were invaded when Merlin came crashing down to the center of the crowd. Morgana, Samuel and I didn't hesitate to his side.

We heard James chuckled and gasps from everybody else. "Like father like son! Unfit to rule!" James yelled.

Merlin finally opened his eyes." Morgana, Samuel it's time." He whispered. They nodded grabbing his hands as I stood their confused.

" Arthur stand back, he'll be alright." Morgana said.

Having faith in my best friend I went back to the crowd."what are they gonna do?" Lancelot asked.

"I don't know" I said watching the three.


I know , I know too much anger. But it does get better well not now but in a few chapters maybe 😂😂😂

I've gotta stop this😒Nah 😂

Happy New Years Guys!!!

See yah 😘


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