Chapter 1: The Princess

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A/N: This is one of the stories I've wanted to publish for quite a while.I'm working on my other story too, so don't fret because I haven't forgotten about my Naruto fanfiction.

I hope you like this story.I put much thought into it and I hope it turns out well.

1- The Princess

Many would want to have royal blood, but believe me, it's not that easy. Especially when you're the princess of Asgard and your father is the-always-busy the God of Thunder.

So I spend my days reading in my chambers or taking care of my stallion, Thunn.

Thunn is always happy to see me."Hello,boy ! How are you ?" I asked.

The white horse looked at me with friendly eyes before making an excited sound.

I secured the sadle onto his back and mounted with ease.He let me rub his neck soothingly, before we made our way to our secret place.

It was a clearing, not far from the glistering city.I would often bring a book and read while Thunn would graze contently.

I dismounted and unstrapped everything before pulling Thunn's saddle off.He shook his body, releaving himself of all the built-up tension from our ride.

He turned his head and looked at me with his gentle brown eyes.I patted his snout and kissed his forehead before taking a seat between the multicoloured flowers.

I closed my eyes and drifted off peacefully.

I was suddenly pulled out of my dreamless sleep by someone's presence.I shot up, a little startled.

"Uncle Loki, I told you a million times not to sneak up on me like that !" I scowled.

"I'm sorry, my dear.And 'Loki' would be fine, you know.There's no need to call me 'uncle' everytime.Chivalrous as your father, I see." He replied with a slight grin.

I got a slightly sour taste from hearing about my father."How did you even find this place ?"

"I followed you.You looked like you might need some company, Tyara." Now his previous grin has grown into a full-out mischievous grin.

I sighed.My uncle can be a handfull sometimes, but at least he spends time with me, unlike a certain someone.

Then I noticed Loki's black mare nuzzling with Thunn.I couldn't help, but smile.

"Thunn's having fun, I see.Thanks for coming !"

He chuckled."Do you fancy a stroll, my lady ?" He asked, his voice fakingly courtageous, as he kissed the back of my hand.

"I do."

He grabbed my arm and pulled me after him through the thick forest."Where are we going ?"

His only reply was a sly grin.We stopped in front of a beautiful waterfall, I didn't even know of until thtat day, a rainbow had formed over it.

"This is beautiful, Loki !" I exclaimed.

"Perfect place for training, indeed."

I merely raised an eyebrow questioningly.

Guess I haven't told you. His voice echoed in my head.

"How did you... ?"

Magic, my dear. Shall I teach you ?


We headed off to the castle shortly after darkness fell over Asgard.We were riding our own horse, one next to the other.

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