Chapter 7: The Fire Princess, captive

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7-The Fire Princess, captive

Remember when I set Sif on fire a few  days earlier ? Well, things have gotten worse since then.

  I couldn't walk anywhere without accidentally combusting and setting things on fire.And people have started to notice and whisper behind my back.Sif has tried to persuade me into explaining what happened but I didn't feel like talking about it.

Even if I hadn't told Frigga about the Sif incident, she heard the rumours about me and she was sick worried.

  And worst of all, my skin has turned a light orange colour a few times, when my body had erupted in flames.However, I was immune to the fire.

Now I was standing in front of Loki, who was sitting on his throne.

  "My, my...Tyara.Things have gotten dangerous with you.You've put everyone's life in perril."

"You know it's not really my fault, Loki.It isn't like I can control it too much." I replied, worriedly.

"Exactly.As much as I hate it, as the current King of Asgard, I have to do something about you." He sighed.

  "What do you mean ?" I asked, but Loki got up, putting a hand on my shoulder and teleported us away.

  "The Bifrost ?" I asked, realizing what he was about to do."You can't send me away !"

  "It's for your own good, Tyara.And for Asgard's.I'm only doing what it's best for my people as their king." He assured, an innocent smile on his face.

But I knew better."You're trying to get rid of me so stop pretending you're not ! Gods, I can't believe it !"

I had a disgusted expression on my face and I was down-right angry.

  "Heimdall, open the Bifrost !" Loki called.

  "But, sir !" He protested.

  "I'm your King.You'll obey me." Loki almost growled.

  "Heimdall, please don't." I begged.

    But he shook his head."I'm truly sorry, Princess.But I must obey the will of my King." Loki smirked, as Heimdall opened the portal.

  Loki lead me inside.Now he had a softer expression on his face."I'm sorry, Tyara.I've got no choice."

  He snaked his arms around my shoulders and hugged me.I tried to push him away.I didn't need his hugs, I was mad at him.

  He let go and pushed me into the portal.I screamed as the beam of light engulfed me.I was falling head-first through space.

  Suddenly, I hit the ground.Eyes closed, I was afraid to open them.I was hoping Loki would be kind enough to send me to Dad, on Midgard.But I feared he wasn't.

  I finally mustered all my courage and opened my eyes.It definetly wasn't what I expected.

Jotunheim. I growled.

I got up from the melted snow around me.I knew it was probably freezing cold but I couldn't feel it, unlike the last time.

   I didn't know what to do.If I were found, I'd be killed.But then again, I couldn't stay there.

I set off, hoping I'd find a place to hide.

  But soon, the Jotuns somehow found me.I summoned my sword, ready to defend myself.

  They jumped on me.I managed to stab a few.They collapsed with a thud, their blood staining the pure white snow.

  But the others tackled me to their ground.Driven by fear, I burst into flames.They wailed in pain and pulled off.I got up, ready to kick some ass, when one giant threw a bucket of icy water at me, extinguishing my flames.Another one managed to sneak behind me and locked a pair of handcuffs around my wrists, as I dropped my sword.

  I tried to ignite my fire again but to no avail.It had completely died down.

I struggled against their hold, but there were too many of them.They lead the way and soon the snow was replaced with the ice floor of Laufey's palace.

  The Jotun king smirked maliciously the moment he saw me.It reminded me of Loki's smirk somehow.

  "Ah, so my son has finally kept his promise."

   "Wait ! Loki's your son ?" I couldn't believe it.

  "Indeed.And he brought me the Fire Princess."

  "What business do you have with me ?!" I yelled.

The Jotun king laughed darkly."You're the perfect prisoner.Soon, the King of Muspellheim will hear that his granddaughter is been kept captive and march into Jotunheim."

  "You're mistaken ! He has never even talked to me.He doesn't care, Laufey !"

  "Oh, but his pride's at stake.You see, we are at war with Muspellheim.He would love to win over me.But the moment he places a foot in this realm, I'll crush them all !"

  "You're a sick bastard !" I spat, disgusted.

  "And while the news travel to Muspellheim, I'll get rid of the Allfather."

At that, my eyes widened."I won't let you !"

Damn you, Loki for sending me here !

"You won't have much of a choice, I'm afraid.Take her !"

  They dragged me away and I found myself being thrown into a cold, dark cell, underneath the palace.

It was way colder than the weather outside, so cold I started shivering.

  I sighed and leaned against the wall.

   'Father.' I mentally called.No answer.

I sighed.I have forgotten he was stripped of his powers.

  'Tyara ? What happened ? Can you hear me ?'

  'Dad.Oh goodness ! I didn't know you are still able to talk to me like this.'

  'Where are you ? You sound scared.'

  'In Jotunheim.Loki sent me here.They've taken me as prisoner.They plan to-....' The connection had faded a little.

  'Tyara, I'm comi-...' was all I could hear before Dad's voice was replaced with a buzz.

There was still hope that I'll get out of here.That I'll bring that back and stop all of Laufey's plans and, above all, Loki will have to explain all of this.

I tried to ignite my fire to stay warm, but it looked like the handcuffs were restraining my fire powers.

   All I can do is wait.And freeze to death in the process.

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