Chapter 9: Tyara vs Loki

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  A/N: We're closing in on the end, a few more chapters to go.But don't worry, I guarantee you there'll be a sequel taking place in the Avengers.

9-Tyara vs Loki

"Heimdall, open the Bifrost !" I called.To my surprise, the white light shot towards the ground.

I was surrounded by it as I was transported through the Universe, towards Asgard.

I knew I would eventually have to confront Loki and I knew it wasn't going to be easy.An almost physical pain erupted in my chest everytime I thought about him.He was family.Who would sell their family to the enemy ?

  But what if he is the enemy ? What then ?

  Those gloomy thought were rushing through my brain as my feet touched Asgardian ground.

  "Heimdall !" I exclaimed.The gatekeeper was scanning the distance, his back on me, as he was standing in front of the entrance.

  "Princess, welcome home !" He greeted without turning around."I'm afraid our King has betrayed Asgard's trust.Prepare yourself, we're going to stop him !"

  "What do you mean ?" I asked, but he didn't have time to reply as Loki appeared before him, expectingly waiting for the gatekeeper to step aside and let him in.Fortunetly, he didn't see me.

  "I won't let you go any farther !" Heimdall proclaimed, drawing his sword.

  Before Heimdall could act, Loki froze him with his ice powers and walked past him and inside the Bifrost.

  He set his red eyes on me.For the first time in my life, I was afraid of him, I wasn't entirely sure he won't hurt me.

   "I see Heimdall though he could use you to stop me, but I'm afraid he was terribly mistaken, Tyara." Loki spoke in his velvet-like voice, turning back to normal.

  "Heimdall wanted to protect you...from yourself !"

"Nonesense." Loki shrugged."No one would want to protect someone like me, not considering what I'm about to do."

My brows furrowed together in a questioning expression.

  But Loki only smilled mischievously, not caring to explain.

"I'm afraid we're going to have some guests and they shouldn't see you."

  He walked up to me.I froze.My inner self screamed to run from him as fast as I could, but my legs wouldn't move.

  What's he going to do with me ?

Loki put his hands on my shoulders and teleported us to the throne room.

  "Sit !" He ordered.I shakingly walked up to the throne and sat down.Loki threw me his stuff and I caught it out of reflex.

  "What are you scheming ?" I asked, slightly afraid, slightly angered.

  He smirked darkly."You're helping me with something."

  "Like hell I am !"

  "Then, I guess you don't need your hooved little friend."

  "You won't dare !"

  "Shall we test it ?"

   I bit my lip, trying to keep in the tears threatening to spill out.I was hurt, not believing this was actually happening.How could Loki even think of hurting Thunn ?

The God of Mischief knew he was winning, the moment he saw me considering it.

"Fine.What do you need me for ?"

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