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3rd person's POV

The God of Thunder was restlessly roaming through the palace's corridors.Worry slowly crept into his heart.Where could she be ?

  He burst into the Throne Room, hitting the guards with the heavy doors, sending them on their butt.

  The Allfather scowled, slightly annoyed, while the Queen of Asgard ran up to him and crushed his massive body into a tight hug.

  "My son." She whispered.Thor smilled kindly, still worried."What happened ?" she inquired.

"Tyara's nowhere to be found !" Thor breathed.

 Odin sighed."This child is just like you,Thor.Foolish and stubborn."

"That may be, father, but she might be in danger.She's a princess."

"Thor, after the recent events, I believe Tyara can fend for herself." Frigga added with a kind smile.

  The mighty God of Thunder pondered her words in silence."I'm still going to find her."he announced and left the room.


The sunset's gentle light was reflecting upon the princess' sad eyes.She had run off, feeling the need of fresh air and a bit of loneliness.The thoughts of recent events were not comprehandable for her.She was still drowning in despair over Loki's death.

She swore to herself she'll never forgive him for being so selfish, for literally letting go of life.She felt like a part of her died with him that day.

Tears gathered at the corners of her eyes, as the image of the raven-haired man falling to his death appeared in her mind.

  That's how the God of Thunder found her.Perched on the green, fresh grass, Thunn by her side, as she cried herself to exhaustion.Thor didn't recognized the place, he ended up there by mistake, but at least he found her.She was in a beautiful clearing, a watterfall flowing nearby, that made colorful rainbows appear above it.

The princess heard his steps and turned her head, to meet the blue eyes of her father.

"Tyara, I've been so worried ! I've serched everywhere for you !"

  "I'm sorry..." she barely whispered, as her voice broke at the end.

Thor sat down next to her.The girl avoided his eyes, knowing she would burst into tears the moment she'd meet them.

"Dad, I need to be alone." she told him, but the man shook his head.

"No.What you need to talk to someone about it, Tyara.I'm here for you." Thor smiled sadly.

  The girl's body shook with a cry."I-I miss him, Dad.A lot.He was my bestfriend.And family too."

  She paused."I couldn't even protect him or Asgard, for the matter.It's only my fault..."

  "Don't blame yourself !" Her father's tone was stern, but somewhat gentle at the same time."Loki's actions are entirely his fault.You did the best you could do."

   The princess still wasn't convinced, but she nodded quietly.

"Let's go back now !"he proposed.

Tyara got up and mounted her horse, as did Thor.Father and daughter galloped up to the palace in silence.Thor knew not to press her.She was depressed enough.

  Arriving in the Throne Room, a big figure came into view.A man was talking with the Allfather.

  Sensing their presence, the man turned around.Thor recognized him.

  "Lord Surtur." Thor bowed respectfully, as did Tyara, a surprised look in her puffy, red eyes.

  "Thor Odinson.Princess Tyara."

  They walked up to the man.He eyed Tyara meaningfuly, while she blushed under his stare.It was the first time she had ever seen her grandfather.

   "Lord Surtur is here with important business."

  "Thor," he adressed the Prince of Agard."I'm here to clarify the situation Laufey and his son have caused."

"What do you mean ?"

"Tyara's powers are a danger to Asgard's safety." Odin explained in his place.

  "I want to learn how to control them !" Tyara interrupted, quite rudely at that.

Everyone stared at her."Are you sure ?" Frigga asked her.

The Princess nodded."Very well, then...I'll take you to Muspellheim."

"Is it safe ?" The God of Thunder asked worriedly.

  "It's safer than being on Asgard." Lord Surtur put his hand on Thor's shoulder."Do not worry, my son-in-law.I'll take care of Tyara with my life."

  "I know." Thor smilled slightly.Tyara turned to her father, her eyes still red and puffy, but the sad look had been replaced by a determined one.They hugged, crushing each other.

  "Ow, Dad ! You're gonna break me !" she protested, squeling.Thor laughed half-heartedly before letting her go.

"I'll be back in no time ! Muspellheim, here I come !" was the last thing she shouted, before running after Lord Surtur out of the room.

  Odin facepalmed, while Thor and Frigga smilled fondly.

All was well....For now.

  A/N: We've reached the end of the first book.Yaaay ! It's been so nice to see your comments and votes ! Thank you for everything !

P.S As she promised, Tyara will be back in no time !

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