Chapter 10: A last goodbye

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My eyes fluttered open.Where am I ?
One thing I was sure of: I wasn't dead, though I felt a little light-headed.

I heard distant voices and the sound of clashing weaponry.I suddenly remembered why I was supposed to be dead.

Loki had gave me an ungly stab wound in my abdomen.You'd think I would've died from bloodlost, yet here I was.

Making a great deal of effort, I pushed my body into a sitting position and glanced down.

My clothes had a large blood stain on them.I raised my top up carefully to check on the wound, but it was no more, like I've never been stabbed in the first place.

How ? was the question on my lips.I realized it out of the sudden.It was Loki's deed.

But why he would stab me, just to heal me afterwards ?

I got to my feet, a little groggily and walked up to the entrance of the Bifrost.I saw Dad fighting Loki over the Rainbow Bridge, who had a massive hole in it.

The bridge under Loki's feet collapsed and he fell, gripping the edge of the bridge with a single hand, while hanging over the endless abyss below.

Odin appeared out of nowhere, seemingly he had woken up from his coma, as Thor grabbed Loki by the wrist, determined not to let him fall to his death.

I forced my body to move and raced up to them.

Loki saw me as I leaned over the edge, grabbing his hand tightly, just above my father's grip.

"I'm truly sorry, Tyara !"he said, remorseful look in his eyes. "I just wanted to so it for you, father !"he added, glancing at Odin."For all of us !"

Odin shook his head dissaprovingly."No, Loki."

I could almost see tears in Loki's beautiful, green eyes.

He then shook his hand and it slipped out of our grip, falling into the darkness below.

I screamed his name desperately, but gravity was pulling him away from me.

Loki continued to stare at me in particular as he was falling, until he disappeared from view.

I let out a sharp, pain-filled cry as I leaned on Dad's body.

"Shh !"he cooed."Don't cry ! He fell believing his actions were the right ones.He never betrayed his beliefs."

"But why, Dad ?! Why he would do all these things to me and in the end, apologise ?!" I yelled."It's confusing ! I just don't get it !"

I felt a hand patting my shoulder lightly and wipped my tears off, before meeting the Allfather's gentle eyes.

"I'm sorry for my behaviour, child."

I stared at him incredulously. Odin was apologizing to me ?

"You heard me right.I'm truly sorry !"

A/N: I know this last chapter was really really short but it was more of a filler.The epilogue will be posted soon and will end this part of Tyara's life.I might also do a special chapter on Loki and Tyara's relationship before he was surrounded by his hatred, just to deepen it and show you a little more about how they became so close.

The next book is going to be set in the Avengers.I can't wait to write it !

Lastly, thank you for reading Tyara's lifestory and also for voting and commenting ! You're awesome ! :)

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