Chapter 2- All hail to the new king

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2- All hail to the new king

A lot of important people came to greet me.I would kindly smile and thank them for their nice words.While I was receiving an excessive lot of affection, Loki was awfully alone, despite being surrounded by people.He was standing opposite to father's friends,Lady Sif, Volstagg and Fendral, dressed in his Asgardian armour, helmet included.I was right next to Lady Sif.

  Loki would scoff at the people talking too loud.

Grumpy, eh ? I asked him mentally.

I hope they get this done quickly.I can't stand these brutes !

And there he comes. Loki commented.

The crowd fell silent for a moment.I followed his glance.My father was also dressed in his armour, his scarlet cape hanging over his shoulders.He smilled and waved at the cheering public.

  When he reached the end of the aisle, he knelt and winked at us.Frigga surpress a laugh, Odin looked embaressed, as for Loki, he closed his eyes and probably mentally facepalmed.I giggled.

Oh, at least he should stop pretending we're close. Loki almost growled.

Be nice. This is Dad's big day.

"Do you swear to protect the Nine Realms ?" Odin spoke.

"I swear !"

"Do you swear to preserve the peace ?"

"I swear !"

"Do you swear to put aside all selfish ambitions for the good of the realm ?"

  "I swear !"

"Then on this day, I, Odin Allfather, proclaim you..."

  There was an akward silence.Everyone was waiting for the word to be spoken.

  "Frost Giants !" Odin said out of the blue and slammed his stuff onto the floor.

  While the guards evacuated everyone in the room I rushed after Odin, Dad and Loki, without them noticing.

  They entered the weapons vault.Two Asgardian soldiers were frozen to death, lying on the floor.

   But there was no trace of the Frost Giants.They've been wiped out.

   "Look at what they've done !They've broken into the weapons vault.If they would've stolen even one of those relics..." Dad shouted angrily.

"They didn't."

"If they'd broken through our borders once, they'll do it again !" He insisted.

  "Dad, calm down !" I yelled over their arguing."You look like you're about to slap Grandpa." They both turned around.

Loki smirked.He'd probably sensed me.

  "Tyara ! This is no place for you !" Dad said.

  "I'm a Princess.One day it'll be my duty to protect Asgard, so this matter preocuppies me."

  "Fine, Tyara.You can stay." Odin decided."So what do you propose ?"

"I would send them a message and clarify the situation, so there would be no blodshed." I answered.

  "You know nothing, Tyara !" Dad shouted." They'll come again ! This is an act of war !"

"This is an act of mere ones, doomed to fail." Odin replied.

  "What if they didn't fail ?! I would march into Jotunheim, break their spirits so they'll never dare cross our borders again !"

"You still think only as a warrior.Your daughter is wiser than you."

  "I, as the King of Asgard..." Dad began.

  "But you're not king ! Not yet..." Odin bellowed.

Dad swallowed his anger while Loki raised his eyebrows, quite surprised.

  "Dad, let's go and..." I said and grabbed his hand.

He slapped my hand away.I was so angry, I was about to cry.Loki gave me a worried look and we both hurried after him.

My father turned a table upside down, enraged.I'd never seen him like this.

Stay here, Tyara.He's quite dangerous right now. Loki spoke in my head.

   My eyes widened when he pressed his index finger to my chest, right over my heart and I vanished from view.

  What did you do ?

  You're invisible.Don't worry, my dear.

  He teleported behind a collumn, then slowly stepped from behind it, as Dad's friends burst into the room.

   "It is not wise to be in my presence right now, brother." Dad warned him.

  "If it is of much comfort, I agree with you."

   At his words, Dad looked up.

   "If they done it once, they'll do it again." Loki continued.

"Exactly !"

   "But there's nothing you can do without defying father."

   Dad's look suddenly changed, his eyes had a strange glint to them.

  "Oh, no no no ! I know that look !" Loki said.

  "My friends, we're going to Jotunheim !" Dad declared, earning a few shocked looks from his comrades.

   Loki literally facepalmed.I bit back a laugh.He was so funny sometimes.

  The Warriors Three and Lady Sif tried to convince him it was a madness, that it was forbidden, but I knew my father better than that.

   He managed to persuade them and here they were, mounting on their horses.

   Coming or not ? Loki's voice asked.

   As a reply, I got onto his mare and wrapped my arms around his waist.Being invisible, only he knew I was there.

  We galloped over the Rainbow bridge.

   Everyone got off their horses."Let me handle this !" Loki told them.

  "You're not dressed warmly enough." Heimdall, the gatekeeper of Asgard spoke.

  "Excuse me ?" Loki demanded , taken aback.

  "Don't you think I know what you plan to do ?" Heimdall spoke again.

  "Look, Heimdall.This is a search for answers." Dad stepped in.

  "Never has an enemy slipped through my watch.I want to know why."

  "Then you'll let us pass ?"

  "Very well.But I must warn you.I'll mantain my duties as Agard's gatekeeper.If your return threatens this realm, you'll be left to freeze on the desolated lands of Jotunhein."

  "I have no wish  to die today." Dad smilled.

   Sometimes I wonder how can he be my dad.We are so different.

  Heimdall slipped his sword into the mechanism and the Bifrost began to spin.We were sent hurltling down through a rainbow coloured beam of light.

   Suddenly, we hit the cold ground of Jotunheim with a loud thud.
  I had a bad feeling about this.

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