Chapter 8: The Girl on Fire

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 ^^Picture of Tyara's mother.Yep, it's Nina Dobrev.

8-The Girl on Fire

I don't know how much had past, until I heard footsteps approaching.A big, blue form appeared in front of the bars.

 "What do you want ?" I snapped at the Jotun king.In return, he smirked darkly.

"I'm leaving for Asgard.When I return, there'll be no Allfather."

I knew Laufey was trying to get a response from me, to make me angry , so I didn't give in this time.

As the Jotun left with a disatisfied expression, I couldn't help but think how am I supposed to get out of that frozen prison.

I tried to snap my handcuffs free, but to no avail.I knew I can't break them but I still had to try.

I closed my eyes as a shiver crossed my body.

I have to get out of here.I can't just wait for Dad.


'Tyara, I know you can do it !' a soft voice whispered.

'Who's that ?'I asked, spooked.

'Don't you remember me, my dear ?'

'Mum ?'

'I can lend you my strenght.Your strenght.The fire lives within you, Tyara.You're a small spark just waiting to ignite.' Mum said.

'Aren't you dead ?'

'I am, but Hela let me help you.You know, she actually likes you, says you're a good influence on her father.' Hela is Loki's daughter.

She was wearing a sleeveless orange silk dress, her brown hair resting on her shoulders.

'About my power , I can't control it !' I protested.

'Try again ! You'll manage in the end.You have to escape Laufey and save the Allfather.It's your duty as a Princess.'

The image of my mother began to disappear.'Make me and your father proud !'

' Wait !'

'I must go now.Goodluck !'

'Say thanks to Hela for me.'

~~~~End of vision~~~~

When I opened my eyes, my skin had turned light orange and I could feel my veins literally boilling.

Time to go. I smirked.

The flames burst around me, so powerful that the cuffs broke apart and fell with a clank.I swung my arm.The collison produced bright flames and the bars flew to the other side of the corridor.I was finally free.

 Who would think you only need some sheer willpower and a bit of encouragement to become powerful, to acknowledge yourself ?  Thanks, Mum !

I was about to leave, when something came to my mind.This should do ! 

Greetings from the girl on fire ! it read.I chuckled to myself, as I went upstairs.

The Jotuns spotted me and closed in, ready to capture me again.My hands went into fists, as I released another tongue of fire from my body.They stumbled back, afraid of the scorching flame.

"You're no fun !" I snickered.I summoned my sword the fire covered it in his embrance.

"Ready to dance ?"

They roared and overcame their fear, lunging for me.I stuck my sword into the floor.The fire cracked through the ground, like a spider web and the giants caught on fire.

Their wails filled my ears, as a piece of the ceilling crashed next to me.The palace was melting because of my power.I ran for the exit, just as another piece amost hit me.

As the ice blocks rained over me, I slided and tumbled outside through the massive doors.

Now, let's kick Laufey's ass !

A/N: Sorry for this short chapter but school has begun and I have a  hard time writting because of it.Anyways, some action coming in the next chapters !

Also, freakin' Thor ! Already +70 views ! Thank you so much !

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