Chapter 3: Frozen

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A/N: Triple update in a day.I'm quite proud of myself( heh heh).Here you go, chapter 3 !

3- Frozen

Loki got up and approached me.He pointed at my heart again and my body turned visible again.

  Everyone turned around shocked."Princess !" Fandral exclaimed.Dad's eyes widened with worry.

  "Tyara, you shouldn't be here ! This is no place for a princess."

  "Dad, you know I'm not your average princess.Let me go with you.I want to do this !" I said, determined.

In fact, I wanted to make sure he doesn't pull off a risky move and cause trouble.

  "Well, you can't turn back right now.Let's go ! You stay behind us."

  I nodded and followed him.It was awfully quiet.

"Where are they ?" Fandral asked.
"Hiding.Like cowards always do." Dad replied with a disgusted smile.

  Then, Jotuns came from every direction, surrounding us.

Ugh, they sure are ugly.

They had blue skin and red eyes.It creeped me out.

I was still in my previous outfit, which wasn't very thick and winter-conditions appropiate.So I felt a chill travel down my spine.

   "Laufey, why did your people break into Asgard ?!" Dad demanded angrily.

  "The house of Odin is full of traitors." The Jotun king spoke.

  "Don't bash my father's name with your nonesense !"

  "You want a battle, you crave it.You're just a boy trying to prove himself a man ! Go now, while I still allow it !"

  "Dad, stop and think." I whispered into his ear.

Loki put a hand on his shoulder."Tyara is right, brother." he whispered.

  "We'll accept your most generous offer." Loki added, bowing his head to the Jotun king.

  "Let's go, Dad !" I urged.Laufey eyed me intently.

   We turned to leave.

  "That's right.Go back home, little princess." He teased Dad.

  Dad smirked.

  "Damn !" I heard Loki curse as Dad swung his hammer, breaking two Frost Giants into pieces.

   The other attacked us.They've got me cornered.I extended my arms.

   A long, light sword appeared in my hand.I pushed the tip of the sword into a Jotun's body.He screamed and collapsed to the ground, while another one attacked from behind me.I slammed my sword into the icy ground and use it as a pole, swinging my body and landing a harsh kick on the monster's chest.

  He stumbled backwards and fell into the crater below.

   Everyone was battling.I heard Volstagg yelling to not let them touch us.An enourmous Jotun tried to grab me, but I kicked his hand away, only for another to get a good grip onto my leg.

   The Jotun cried out in pain and immediately let go of me, as white steam came out off his skin.I froze for a second, too shocked to react, before I punched him in the face and sent him rolling down the glaciars.

    A godzilla version of a dog began chasing us.Dad used his hammer to summon some lightning and stuck a bunch of Jotuns with it.Then we ran for our lives, as the ground crumbled under our feet.

   The godzilla dog came out from a cannion it had previously fell in and was about to eat us, when Dad threw his hammer upwards and shot right through the beast's mouth.The monster dropped dead.

  "Heimdall, open the bridge !" Dad called but there was no response from the gatekeeper.

  We were on the edge of the icy cliff, surrounded by an army of Jotuns.

    Suddenly, a white light flashed through the sky and Odin appeared in front of us, riding Sleipnir.

"Allfather, you look weary." Laufey commented.

"Laufey, put an end to this !" Odin demanded severily.

"Your boy sought this out."

  "These are the actions of a boy.Treat them at such !"

  "He'll get what he came for.Blood and....Death !" Laufey yelled and lunged at Odin, just when a bright light engulfed us.

I opened my eyes to see we were back on Asgard.I sighed and my sword disappeared.

   "Take  him to the Healing Room !" Odin barked at Sif and Fandral, who were carrying Volstagg.Blood was dripping from the warrior's chest.

   "Do you understand the gravity of your actions ?! You exposed this peaceful realm and its people to the horror and desolation of WAR !" Odin yelled at Dad, after the others were gone.

  The Allfather has always been stern and moody, but I had never seen him so angry before.

"I was tring to protect Asgard !" My father insisted.

"You can't even protect your own friends ! Or your daughter, for the matter !"

  Dad looked hurt by his words, as he looked at me.

"You are a young, cruel, vain boy !"

"And you are an old man and a FOOL !" he shot back.

  Odin calmed down suddenly and I realized I'd forgotten to breath.

"Yes, I was a fool...To think you were ready !"

   "Father !"
    "Grandpa Odin !" Me and Loki tried to step in but Odin growled at us.

   I think he's got rabies. I commented and heard Loki's chuckle in my mind.

  But then, I turned serious again.Dad was definetly in big trouble.

   "I, Odin Allfather, in the name of my father and his father before, I take from you...Your powers !" He ripped off Dad's armour.

  Mjolnir, father's magical hammer, shot from his hand and Odin caught it efforlessly.

  "As of now, I CAST YOU OUT !" He finished and Dad was sent spiralling down the Bifrost.

   "Tyara !" he shouted.

   "Dad, no !" I screamed and wanted to jump after him, but a set of strong arms wrapped around me like a cage.

  "Tyara, calm down !" Loki spoke in my ear.

   "NO ! Let me go, you idiot ! He's my Dad...." I protested and tried to kick him away, but his grip on me only thightened.

  "Whoever, if he be worthy, should posses the power of Thor !" Odin enchanted, then threw the hammer after Dad.

  I felt angry tears in my eyes.Me and Dad rarely spent time together, that's true, and I resented him a little for that, but seeing him so helpless had brought the best in me.I wanted to bring him back.

I looked at Odin, not understanding how could someone be so hard on their son, no matter what they've done.

"Take her to her chambers, Loki !" was all that Odin said, before storming out the room.

   Loki pulled me after him and helped me onto his horse.

   As we broke into gallop, the beautiful golden city closer to us by second, I let out all of the anger and sadness.

   I've always been a tomboy and never showed my true feelings in public, but for once in my life, I just couldn't.

  I whimpered over the mare's neck and Loki cooed in my ear.

   For once, I didn't know what to do. I was frozen.


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