The Asshole Without an Ass

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I'm gonna see Chara again! Mentally crying out in joy, I didn't even see where I was running. In fact, I ran right into something. No, someone. I look up and see...

Black. Bones. Cracks.
So many mental alarms went off. He's here. My parent murderer. What did I expect? He's a monster, makes sense he would be at the monster base. Not like Chara particularly likes humans.
I stopped and realized I was staring...
Face being consumed by a dreaded red color as I turn my head in a completely different direction trying to show I had no interest in him.
He stood up, dusted off, and held out a hand to me. I was supossed to take it, but I'm not taking any chances. I stood up by my self.
I realized one more thing. I had no clue where I was going. I needed to ask him where room 475 was. How am I going to do this?
Looking back over to his direction I see he's still there looking at me with a look I can't quite place.
What is your problem!?
Ha, no. I don't have that courage.
"U-um, do you know where r-room 475 is?" Damn my stutter.
"Hmm? Chara's room? Yea, my room is across the hallway from hers, I would hope I would know." He said with a chuckle noticing my tence aura.
Why was my parent murderer trying to lighten the mood?
I keep low about it not wanting to sound ridiculous. He probably doesn't even remember having taken so many lives during the war.
"C-can you please take me there? My childhood b-bestfriend is Chara." Stutter why must you do this?
"Ah! So you must be Y/N. She talks about how much she misses you practically 24/7. Frisk says that she barly gets any sleep with her. So yea, I can totally take you to see her, maybe it'll shut her up. Regardless, she wouldn't be in her room, its lunch time. In fact, I was going to the cafeteria until... Well you know." He rubbed the back of his skull and ushered me to follow him to where all monsters eat their meals. I do being incredibly desperate to see my best friend.
We get to our destination and I frantically look around for Chara. The skeleton, who I realized hasn't even said his name yet, sees my panic and directs my head to the direction Chara is in. I see her munching on some potato ch- no, they're potato chisps. The monster equvalant to human potato chips I guess.
I wanted to squeal out and run to Chara out of sheer joy of finding her. I keep my cool though. Not a very good first impression.
The skele walks down from the platform we were on down the stairs and I follow him like a lost puppy. I kinda was. I didn't really see any humans in my scan of the room.
"You hungry?" He snaps me out of my train of thought. My tummy growled giving him his answer. I hadn't eaten all day, an- wait. Was he gonna buy lunch for me?
He brings me over to one of the food carts and asks me what I want.
Is monster food different from human food? Do they eat different things? Are they just different names but still the same thing? Another loud growl of my tummy tells me I should just order already. He gets two burgers and a large thing of fries.
"We can share." He impatiently says while paying for the food.
We go over to where Chara, Frisk, and this other goat boy are sitting. Chara looks up at the skele and then at me. Having the same idea I had when I first saw her she loudly squealed and practically tackled me in a hug. I hug back pretty much as hard as she was and hold this for who knows how long. We pull away and literally neither of us can talk from pure happiness.
"Praise the lord! The all famous Y/N is here to have Chara not talk my ear off 24/7!" Frisk seems all to relived to know that I finally am here.
Mr. Skele sat down and started munching on the fries. Yet again another loud growl from my tummy.
"You should probably feed the beast in your stomach, he doesn't seem all to happy with you right now." Chara giggles at our old inside joke about the beast in everyone's tummy named hunger. I giggle as well when I remember. Was it really that long ago? I guess so.
We both sit down across from each other as I grab one of the two burgers Mr. Skele got and started to bite into it. I like the nickname I gave him, Mr. Skele. Of course it is only temporary until I know his actually name.
"So I guess some introductions are in order." Chara said as she stood up, "you already know Frisk of course, she is your cousin." She then walked behind the goat boy that was about our age, "this is Asriel, my brother in a sence. He's the son of the king and queen. Also he was formally dead, we both were. Saving the day gone wrong. But thanks to Dr. Alphys and Sans, he stands here today alive. Frisk just gave me half of her soul." She sits back down in her spot, "I'm sure Sans already introduced himself. He does that kind of thing on his own."
"... He didn't." I say to her, and she looks dumbfounded. The skeleton beside me, Sans, doesn't respond but rather ignores the subject.
"Oh, well that's Sans." She points to him, "the guy who looks, but certainly doesn't act like his dad." She stops for a second, then says one finally thing about him, "he certainly, in no way killed or even hurt anyone of your blood line, that was purely Gaster."
Oh... So I was wrong about him. He himself didn't kill my parents, his dad did. Wait. If his dad killed my parents in the past war, would he kill me in this present war? I probably had nothing to worry about, but I still slightly scoot away. He notices, and very most likely knows why. The smirk on his face says on all.

You have finally seen Chara again, you are filled with

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