Oh Crap

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Do you really think I was actually gonna let Yes/No with Sans. Ew no, come beck next chapter when (Y/N) comes back. I mean. Yes/No is asexual.


"BISH, YOU MISSED EASTER. HOW COULD YOU?! ALL THE CHOCOLATE I MISSED OUT ON." Chara busted through the door, clearly angry at authors mistake.

"Yeah, not cool. I was gonna put Asriel in a bunny suit and laugh at him." Y/N pouted, but at the same time chuckled at the thought of Asriel in a bunny suit.

"We could've hunted for Easter eggs. There could've been like an Easter party where Y/N and Asriel could've bonded more. There could have been a nice kissing scene in the sunset at the end of the chapter with me and Sans. You missed so many opportunities." Frisk whined following in after Y/N.

Author, not wanting to put up with their crap simply wrote them to somewhere else.

Frisk, Chara, and Y/N were magically transported to somewhere else so the plot can progress to make up for the loss of an Easter special.

Readers POV

I wake up in a closet handcuffed and gagged.

What the actual fok.

ok sure.

After squirming a bit the door opens and I fall out still all bound and crap.

"Looks like you need some help." Undyne stopped by and looked at me with a cheeky smile on her face.

I sighed.

"Yeshhh." I sighed again trying to talk with the gag in my mouth. She cut off the handcuff with her magical spear then took off the gag. Thank fuk. 

Undyne the proceeded to lead me to some sort of training room in the base. This room was frickin huge. Waaaay, and I mean  waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay bigger than the school gym. And by that I mean, literaly a whole 2 feet extra around the peramiter. Wow. Appearently bugent was low.

"Ok, your training starts here. I need you to choose a weapon to fight with, your first oppenet will be Papyrus." She finnished her instruction as I see Papyrus walk in the opsite door from where we came in. I grabbed the closest thing to me, which was a toy knife. Eh, good enough. A fight was initiated as everything went black and white. 

"The weaker on always goes fisrt around here. So human, it's your turn." Undyne explained. Not really sure how to take her statment tho. She was calling me weak, but like, in the way that I wasnt trained or that I just looked weak. Who care, I see a flaw in this system, so I have to point out the obvious.

"I must say, that system in stupid. Youi do relize imn war there is no turns. Its just go, hope to kill others and dont die./" I said in a matter of fact tone. Undyne looked at me with a poker face, then looked away as if she was in intence thought.


Nothing happened. Undyne looked back at me, pretty much saying it was still my turn, so I did. I attacked Papyrus. Not really tho. I sorta just threw the fake knife at him and called it a day. He threw some bones at me, then turned me blue. Basically the Papyrus fight in the game, just with the player not caring literally at all. 

"doesnt LOVE increase with killing? But you clearly dont want me to hurt Papyrus sooo, what the heack is this even for?" Undyne looked at me again with her poker face, then back somewhere lese with a deep thoguht face. 

"To practice your dodging skill. Damage will come with a better weapon and actually killing you're right. But your defence need to be at a high place fior you to even think about war." Undyne concluded.

"But, I wasnt thinking aboiut war. I actually came here in the hopes that I could just leech of tyhe fact that I'm Chara's friend. I mean, maybe in the past I hade like a kinfe with me or something, but things change mayne. Things change." I try to recall back to when I first came to the base. What the heck did I do with that bage that had stuff in it? gotta be around here somewhere right? 

"Where is this kinfe you mention? It could help. You would still nee armour tho." Undyne asks.

Author, your writing is terrible when it comes to speech. Ok yiu can continue.

I wnet back up to my room, and looked under the bed. 



I said, I looked under bed.

Still nothing.

Author are you even paying attetion?

I look uder the bed for the 3rd fuccing time. Magically the bag I had from chapter 1 appeared. Knife, first aid kit, water, and other various needs in all. I grab the bag and make my way back to the training room. 

and god damn it im lost.

Instead, I just go the cafeteria and inhale some breakfast food even thou its like 2:30PM. Next to go was an icecream cone loaded with toppings. And finaly to feel even thye least bit healty i took a handful of blueberries. That event took up about 15 mins, time to continue my quest only to get lost again. I then sat in a corner and cried because my stomach hurt from eating all that food. Eventually, that crying turned into sleeping. 

Let me convey wat someone walking bay would see: A human in ball in the corner in a puddle of their own tears, soundly asleep, in the human's enemy's base.

And author just finished inhaling a pack of blueberries. Good job author. That'll totaly make up for the junk i mentioned earlier.

Oh jeez, authors not feeling up to the task of her 1,000 word goal. That sucks, um bye.

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